From the Seer’s Private Journal
Excerpts From Prophecy #18
“… and the races of men shall pass through the four great testings… first shall come the testing of fear, then the testings of pain and protectiveness. But when the testing of guilt shall come to the sons and daughters of man, the white race shall succumb to its pitfalls, and the sun shall set on the prosperity and dominance of the white race… the times of the gentiles shall come to a close, and others shall rise and sweep away the traditions and culture of the white race. But through their intolerance and hatred of the white race shall their own downfall be devised. For although the pestilence shall strike all races alike, it shall be drawn to the discordant notes of hatred and prejudice in particular…”
Yet in another time we have now nothing to prove to those. Yet I can now breathe freely and yet I am now more peaceful since distortions are being unveiled. Also my beloved friends the animals have a say. Blessings…………
Great Thank you to the One and only!
“But when the testing of guilt shall come to the sons and daughters of man, the white race shall succumb to its pitfalls, and the sun shall set on the prosperity and dominance of the white race…”
We have been Blessed to receive the BVP protocol ARAVESPI STRA-UNAT specifically for dissolving the Illusions that generate guilt. I started working with this last week. It can be purchased from this site.
Almine has said many times that her prophecies are not set in stone, every moment well lived can change the future.
Hostile emotions yield hostile bacteria.
I can see how the hatred and prejudice of one leads to the destruction of another. The addiction to hatred and prejudice can easily continue by turning it on themselves. Guilt is a distortion that Is widely tolerated., even expected. Thank you Rogier for sharing Almine’s prophecy.🙏
This is it.
Thank you for sharing this prophecy with us… In my country, it feels as if it is already happening.
Thank you team and Almine.
“Upon the backs of a few, the future shall pivot….”
From the Seer’s Private Journal
Prophecy Number 28
these words feel to me like they illustrate that the “sun has set on humanity’ as a whole, also as indicated by Almine late 2018, from memory? It is Time.
It is definitely Time for anchoring and expressing the Wholesomeness of the One Life to introduce a new reality that will flourish from a new platform of reverence, joy, wonderment and innocence… And so it Shall Be. LPGST
Mmmm the swing of the pendulem.