Some years ago you said the following;
We cannot afford to live a life that wastes energy and power by reacting to human games and expectations. The Holy Ones throughout the ages have for this reason withdrawn from the masses. We interact sparingly but do not withdraw.
Does the necessity to interact, but sparingly, still apply?✶
The Seer:
There is a mutual benefit for godbeings to walk among humans. Humans are here to teach the gods by mirroring that which they’re not. The gods are here to steer – through proxy magic – the expression of the enormous latent power held within men into constructive expression. In other words, the gods are here to prevent humanity from destroying itself and the planet until they realize how their power can be used constructively.
To assist humanity does not require your immediate presence in their midst. But to learn from them does require some sparing interaction.
Only spend time with humans that feels comfortable and not depleting. Follow this up with a time of contemplation to determine what lessons you’ve learnt.
The Seer
✶See: Two Divergent Levels of Consciousness
🦄 This message is brought to you by the Original Ones that power this website for the benefit and enjoyment of All 💜 Support→
Almine’s mission seems to have been to remind the original ones who they are. But, what if we were to remind humans who they are?
I find that a hard pill to swallow even myself. I can’t even imagine how humanity could cope with that!
Better to keep them in the dark? But, then in my experience the truth will always out. Gulp! I have a lot of compassion for them.
If humanity knew the truth of their existence, everything would change. They’re inherent rebelliousness is no mystery to me.
Humanity must be very untrusting of the OO’s If in the past cycles they abandoned and left them.
“People don’t abandon people they love. They abandon people they’re using. There’s your closure right there.”
“the expression of the enormous latent power held within men into constructive expression.”
“All human beings need to feel needed, men more so than women. Men can’t seem to justify their own existence. So unless they’re needed, useful, productive, making a difference, they can’t tolerate their own being. A man when he gets married needs to know he is useful, necessary, important, that he is needed. So the worst thing a wife can say to her husband is, “nevermind. I’ll do it myself!”. Anything the husband offers, accept it, graciously. Give him credit for it, Even if it’s not exactly What you need from him. But, if you accept what he’s giving, then you can move him to what you really need from him. But, if you reject what he’s giving. He’ll quit. You emasculate him.”
I feel we need to recognize what humans are giving. And who they are giving it too.
The infinite didn’t create humans. Therefore, the infinite doesn’t need humans. We must then ask the question who did create humans and who does need them? Because humans didn’t create themselves, they are not needy, they are needed.
“Becoming a man is realizing we are not really loved. We provide something and get love in return for it.” I think the same could be said for humanity.
“I feel we need to recognize what humans are giving. And who they are giving it too.”
Also not sure what some of that means. I love men for just being who they truly are, for being honest with themselves and fully expressing. I love them even when they’re not because I know they’ll figure things out eventually, I just have the highest vision of them expressing authentically. I don’t think a man has to give anything to anyone to be loved. At least that’s not how I love 🤔 I don’t know, reading that confused me inside.
There is a difference between a man and a boy. Love your boys tell eventually they figure things out. But don’t let your love emasculate them and rob them of their initiatory rites into manhood. The hallmark of a dragon mother is one who will not let their boys initiate into manhood, oftentimes masked in love. Love is strength, not weakness. An initiatory rite is a rite of passage with real danger that has to be successfully maneuvered through transformed and fired in the process. It’s my opinion that mothers should raise their sons in preparation for their journey of return. If they don’t return to you, they were never yours. Sometimes walking away has nothing to do with weakness, and everything to do with strength.
You’re right.
Yes thank you for this timely advice. As I take more alone time for myself. This little note is very helpful.
However Almine has often said clearly, and I would say even categorically, that we should be fully employed.
For instance there was a post about the precarity of many businesses and that we should stick with our (then) present employment to promote stability.
Another, recently mentioned by Rogier, was choosing an inspiring employment or changing jobs if necessary.
There was also the particularly clear post where Almine said that in her household it is incompatible to live together unless each is either in full time employment, full time volunteer work or full time training.
Therefore quite probably in daily close contact with humans. Hopefully of a higher than average order if good choices have been available locally.
There is nothing unusual in this aspect of Almine’s household. I haven’t noticed any families among my siblings, cousins or neighbours, in the States or Europe or Brazil, who didn’t start working during school holidays and continue working full time after completing their studies, whatever the level, until generally well beyond the official retirement age. After which they volunteered or became self-employed or ran a homestead that they had set up over the years.
In fact it’s often after ‘retirement’ that the formerly employed are doing what they most enjoy!
But the possibility of working for a living at something inspiring, and living where one prefers, is certainly possible. I see it all the time.
Meanwhile back to subject. Has Almine changed her guidance for us on full employment and what used to be called ‘right livelihood’? I mean, having minimal contact with humans just isn’t in most people’s job description.
I would have to agree with the very last sentence there 🙂
I love this. Thank you XX