The Seer:
During the past two weeks I have received two messages from our Lightfamily members, voicing their pain and bewilderment at why their beloved family members at home (as well as those who are part of the extended family) treat them with such hostility and disdain. It is particularly bewildering to them since they have devoted their lives to nurturing and supporting their family.
I could feel their pain and didn’t really have an answer other than what I had already said over the years: opposite light repels (in other words, it becomes antagonistic). Your light is much greater than that of your family members — thus “opposite light”.
But after many months of searching for the rest of the answer, I finally found it during the night’s visions:
- Physicality is needed within creation because it is in the physical where all new information is accessed through experience.
- A certain amount of tension is needed to sustain physicality (to keep the body physical).
- Every person needs a specific amount of tension to be able to have a physical life.
- The godbeings’ natural state is etheric. They need more tension than most to fulfill their destiny of guarding and governing physical life through proxy.
- Your loved ones know this at a deep level beyond cognition. And because you either have to experience inner tension or exterior tension (emotional hardship or physical pain), they have lovingly agreed to provide you with inner pain (at the way they treat you) so that you don’t have to manifest physical calamities.
It is such an amazing experience to be able to see beyond the appearances to the deeper truth beyond.
Hello, I wonder the type of antagonist /tension/hardship that we attract will be different in the stages of transformation, transfiguration, etc. I always thought attracting antagonist is for the transformation state.
Thanks for elaboration XOXO Nina
Oh, this is such sweet music to my ears and heart💖🌷💖
Grateful, I am for those who reached out and brought their pain to our Beloved Seer. Beyond words, a River of Love flows in tones of exaltation and jubilation for this gift of detailed perspective…”Humility is the cornerstone of Mastery”. I dance in this u definable tension most of the time with my chosen partner in life and wonder, wonder, wonder…How May I collapse through the perceived tension and release the struggle….this answer which comes so lovingly, says surrender your mind…surrender your thoughts…and now….oh wow….I can grateful receive the gift. This is truly a day filled with miracles✨💦🧡💛🌷💛🧡💦✨🎶🙏🏼🎶
How does the polarity, and pulling tension between the soul and body effect the base modern day morals of sexual torture fantasies and BDSM?
Not too long ago I was listening to a scholar talk about how the modern day ego is a recent development. He suggested that the notion of an external God came from when the ego was in the early stages of its development. When people began to hear a voice in their head, they believed it was an external god talking to them. He suggested that this is where priests and mediators came in to channel the voice of God. They realize that things like child sacrifice could channel the voice of God which in fact was the ego. He also pointed out that in the face of societal collapse the ego also begins to collapse. Almine recently pointed out that war is a type of energy device. Is this the same reason? Ancient societies used child and virginal sacrifices to prevent societal and egoic collapse? In ancient times could child sacrifice have been a way in which to prevent economic collapse and war that was commonly accepted among tribal societies? The snake eating it’s egg?
Question: how does one generate enough energy to be able to ask the question? Why? or How?
Additionally, Who or what? Ask the question… How? and Why? And Who or what? Ask the question… What? When? Where? Are there two different aspects, or all these questions coming from the same place?
…One question leads to another (Pandora’s box lol)
There is an Atlantean wheel “Removing the addiction to tension as a prerequisite to form”.
Also the principle 281 of the 300 Principles of the Atlantean Angel Gods reads:
“The separating of body and soul caused each to be a dictator as well. The body requires density to sustain it as being separated matter. Matter is an illusion as a separated element that requires tension to sustain.
When enlightened states of consciousness make the body less dense, the body counter-acts this: it produces aches and pains to constrict and focus the attention, producing tension and creating a denser body once again.”
Thank you for this! Maybe Rogier could post this wheel? That would be lovely.
Derek, you can find it, for example, under N24 in the Aravespi-Stra-Unat Belvaspata Book (2017), if you have one.
Currently, no longer have that book in my possession, but at least I know where to find it now. Thank you. If you feel too, you could send that wheel through you as a proxy for me. If you were inspired to do so, It would be appreciated.
Derek, the Atlantean wheels are in so many places. You can find this particular one in the Book of High Magic – principle 168.
This is so true! And, something I’m constantly still working on. Years ago, When I left my family I expected to find paradise in complete seclusion. But, I was shocked to discover how hard it was. I had moved to a pristine island that naturally facilitated a lesser denser state. Without the tension in my relationships, I was overwhelmed by the experience of being so etheric that I was overcome by fear of being able to accomplish basic tasks in the physical. To replace the tension in my relationships that I left, I ended up turning to drugs and a poor diet. I beat up my body to create the physical density I needed to function. I was so etheric at times that the floor would shift and move and the walls would spin. I felt drunk. It was interesting that drinking alcohol actually made me feel sober and I could function much better than in my etheric less dense state. Obviously, drugs and a poor diet are not the optimal choice to create density in one’s life. But, to be honest I’m still working this out! Now. I’m back on an island and trying it again. It’s still hard. I’m still working on cleaning up my diet. I’m experimenting with physical exercise to create the density needed. I have a hunch that the way in which I can create the density that will work for me is to create a lifestyle of warrior Spartan hardships that are valued over the comforts of societal pampering. Meaning that the niceties and comforts of life aren’t helping me, but hindring me. Things like getting rid of the comfy bed and pillow (and definitely Netflix) and sleeping on the hard floor. Letting my vehicle go so I have to walk to town for supplies. Getting rid of the heated water and using cold showers. Gardening without the convenience of machines. Living more of a hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Are things I think contemplating a lot in relation to this density problem. The place I’m at now is actually off grid. But, we just set up solar panels, and honestly, it was better to not have the convenience, or the option of using artificial lighting at night. There’s was something so healthy about using natural sunlight, I felt it helped with the density problem. Ultimately, I think moving into wholesomeness is the answer to the density problem. I feel it is the modern conveniences and comforts of our current society that is creating a lack of density. I remember a conversation where someone was shocked that a vehicle didn’t have air conditioning! I think a great way to work out the density problem would be to have a goal to break a sweat at least once a day.
Thank you for sharing your experiences ❤️😇
Wait…. is this always the case to be in physical form? … Like if we wanted to stay in physical form for eternity…. we would have all of eternity choosing between physical or emotional pain… something feels incredibly off here, my perception is concerning so I feel like I’m missing something. Does it get “overcome” or is this a never ending continuous occurrence?
Thank you for the understanding of what is really happening. I would rather the emotional ( which I am experiencing) than the physical.
Wow…such profound truth. Thank you Almine
What a wonderful explanation. Thank you Beloved Almine.
So that’s why this is happening. This has happened in the past and yet it has been overcome….I suspect through Tonal Luminosity.