What do the prophecies say about the fate of Israel and their relationship with America?
The Seer:
Here are a few pieces of information received by me in 2005:✶
“Some of her neighbors shall be wiped off the map; because of their hatred, they shall perish. The Earth shall cleanse herself from nations in which no love can be found.”
(This part of the prophesy mentions Syria by name as being one of those nations that the Earth will wipe off the map.)
This next part of the prophecy warns Israel that some subversively hostile actions against other countries will make Israel vulnerable energetically:
“In her fear of attacks by others, shall the Lion of Judah attract hostilities. For that which is feared is attracted. Many inhumane acts are being described as protection, to justify their existence. They are being done in secret and the agents of cruelty operate in the dark. But no good can come from cruelty and bondage. Ill-begotten deeds provide no protection.”
The next piece of prophecy was received in 2016:
“Millennia from now, Israel shall still stand, because of her advanced technology developed in secret by the Eagle across the sea. Her allies are strong, but work in silence.”
The Seer
✶The Seer recently reminded me of this prophecy with the Turkey / Syria earthquake, saying that she does not know what would be the exact cause of Syria’s fate.
Joel says
This prophecy appears a bit disturbing for me; lots of of questions can be asked around.
Is Syria the only nation in the region where no love can be found; that is manifested hate toward Israel? When it comes to the latter, is its nation the people living in the place/country built by the dark entities holding the planet in hostage for so long ? Can love be found there, not in Syria. I don’t know! I am just asking myself.
If I take some recent wars like in Iraq, in Afghanistan where some whole towns/ villages were wiped out, weren’t those people lovable?
Is the recent earthquake in Turkey/Syria part of this prophecy or as usual an act of aggression and intimidation done by the eagle with the HARP technology?
If the fate of a nation like Syria is already written, if it shall be wiped out; what’ s the purpose of a Power Sigil for such country?
“Millennia from now, Israel shall still stand,” is this referred to a new Israel; because Jerusalem is the capital of Israel; it is written in the book ” WIndow into Eternity” if I can remember that the New Jerusalem is under waters and it will appear somewhere in America in the future.
Well, more and more and more questions could be asked about this prophecy, but let me see if I can find some clarity in these few first!
Iris says
Very important information
Thank you for the message and the question ❤️
Derek says
It would be nice if Almine could share more about the dynamics of protection and fear. Protecting one’s energy, family (inner family), and boundaries, and possessions. What is the source of preventative acts of protection. For example, locking one’s door, or carrying a sidearm for protection. Taking preventative measures, even drastic measures. Where’s the line between common sense and fear?
As a side to this, I would be also very interested if she had anything to share about tribal societal moral justice systems. She’s recently talked about moral values. All individuals have their own inner moral compass to follow. But, society functions upon certain tribal moral, jurisdictions and standards. Based upon laws, statutes and judgments. Whenever you call the cops or go to court, you’re entering into tribal social moral dynamics. If you’re an eagle flying above the turkeys, are you free from moral tribal jurisdiction?
Derek says
In contemplating my question, I don’t know that it’s possible to be “free” from the tribe. I don’t really buy into the notion of freedom, but the word freedom is so bandied about these days and so ingrained in us in the west as revealed by my own choice of words. Rather then “freedom” I embrace the idea of responsibility and stewardship. Perhaps, Those who have risen above the tribe are thus then even more responsible for its care and protection?
Denise Lines says
Hi Derek. Some good questions here. The other day I drew a Rune card that said…”Freedom through Self-sovereignty”……………thought of sharing this. It might help with understanding.
Vanessa says
Dhani says
Oh boy. Thanks for this update.
I am feeling complete shifts in my reality. So this is good to have news of what’s happening out there.