I was wondering if You could expound on the distinctions between illusion, occlusion, and density. Does an occlusion automatically equate to illusion and density?
- Seeing things as they are not
- Having a false perspective because of the tricks of the eyes
Seeing individuations as separate. Or seeing opposite poles as separate. This is like separating the threads of a weaving for the purpose of studying how the weaving was made.
- A blind spot in our vision
- something that blocks clarity, often the result of social conditioning
Thinking that certain races or genders are less intelligent, because of undervaluing emotional intelligence (the wide perspective of the Dreamers). This is the result of not having a way to measure emotional intelligence. 9/10th of the population are Dreamers with the occlusion in their self-perception of not being as capable as the Stalkers (the other tenth).
- That which delays a cause’s effect
- That which creates learning through opposition.
- Density is formed by distorted emotions — like tangles in one’s hair, the straight lines in which frequency waveforms travel, tangle from intense distorted emotions.
When there is less density, there are more cataclysms and accidents, because someone’s fears and suppressed emotions manifest immediately — before they have had a chance to learn the necessary insights to prevent or to minimize it.
But How Is Density Formed?
- Belief systems create geometry that captures the movement of the awareness particles. These form density in the form of ‘damming up’ and impeding the flow of awareness.
- Life without lessons learnt, can be described as a flat disc that repeats previous experience over and over with slight variations, but with similar outcomes. Such a life is reliving old experiences over and over until the necessary insights are gained. (We call it karma.)
- A life that has recapitulated experience and through deeper perception learnt its lessons, can be described as a spiral of evolution. Such a life is always traveling into new experiences, rather than reliving old experiences.
In the days of Atlantis, material gain was a priority at the expense of safeguarding the environment. Because the lessons about the importance of respecting the environment have not been learnt, reaching the position on the rotating disc of life where Atlantis had previously reached its apex of materialistic development, feels unbearably dense because of these unlearnt lessons. Density can be formed from the ghostly psychic impressions of the past that linger into the present because of these unlearnt lessons.
The Seer
The Cosmic Programs (Templates)
From the original Science of Alchemy
- The Mirror – represented by the pentagram in the center of the Sigil of Ameth. The mirror’s programs were comprised of grids and matrices.
- The Matrix. What is a matrix? Think of it as the latex perimeter of a balloon, holding the space within it in place. It was intended, while the cosmos was still in the dream, to hold the ideal for a specific level of consciousness.
- The Grid. What is a grid? Think of it as that which fills the balloon’s interior space. All species, planets, suns, races, etc., had their own grids that told them how to be a human, a frog, a moon, for instance. Up until August of 2006, these consisted of lines of light in a gridwork containing this information. Thereafter they became fields. The grids interpreted the matrix’s plan for each species. Jointly they created space.
- The Rainbow – represented by the innermost seven-sided ring. The rainbow formed duality by separating that which in perfection should be inseparable—white light. White light as an inseparable field accentuates certain integrated colors, but does not separate itself to produce them.
- The Echo – the voice of the Infinite Mother (in the dream, the Infinite expressed as feminine) echoing off the cosmic boundaries created polarity. It is represented by the seven-sided ring next to the innermost one. It was used as an energy source, but linear time was created through its movement.
- The Mirage – represented by the sevenpointed star. The use of the seven directions by many cultures as a power source could be described as the illusory image created by the mirage. The mirage itself was formed from the splitting of frequency. Creation was comprised of seven bands of various densities and had very specific properties: uniformity (North), diversity within uniformity (East), diversity (West), unity within diversity (South). The directions provided the basis of the teachings of the Kabbalah, I Ching, and Mayan Zolkien. The additional frequency bands of diversity within unity (Above), divine sovereignty (Below) and selfsustaining oneness (Within) were mysteries of the divine feminine exterminated with the goddess traditions. This created the illusion of space.
- The Sub-creations Grid – represented by the outermost seven-sided ring. Man, the unique microcosmic representation of the macrocosm, has played a particularly large role in the creation of the sub-creation; a matrix hugging the inside of the cosmic matrix and resembling a spider web. Although the massive cosmic reversal occurred in August 2006, thoughts fell into the reservoir of the heart and acted upon the substance of things hoped for (awareness particles). They clustered the awareness particles into form.
- The Lens – the circle along the outer edge of the sigil of Ameth represents the lens of the cosmos. The lens creates the constricted vision that sees only one perspective at the cost of all others. It created identity consciousness – that which sees its physical, emotional and mental components as its identity – in the cosmos. The lens consists of all other illusory boundaries stacked within one another.
The building blocks of life – power (also called presence particles), energy (life force), awareness, love/frequency and material particles, were separated by the lens.
- Anti-matter – represented by the rim of the sigil, is really nothing more than that which has become a ‘vacuum’ having lost its material particles and, at times, its other particles as well. It has created a problem in that the Infinite, the Source of Creation, has become surrounded by such a vacuum. Sound does not travel through a vacuum, and the voice of the Infinite has not been heard. Thus, the cosmic anti-matter has been created in the following way: Clustering as a way of creating. Until recently, form has come about by moving building blocks from one place to create a more dense form in another, leaving a space without resources. Since the Source for the building blocks of life is the Infinite, a vacuum was created as they were responding to the Infinite’s Intent to cluster into form. The lens clustered into form, robbing all surrounding kingdoms of their material particles and thereby forming the etheric, hidden realms of the cosmos. All life began.
Oh My God! I was stunned speechless when I saw this just now!
In 1995 I used to take meditative walks. (I was on prozac, which, for a short time, must have activated my amygdala because I was having all kinds of metaphysical experiences). Anyway, on one such walk I received a download of information. The word impressed upon my mind was “MATRIX”. I saw what looked like a shoebox, and its exterior was balloon material. A hand inserted through the balloon material, or latex, was now “in” the box, but also outside the box. I knew that Something was trying to illustrate how our consciousness, or true selves, are not truly in this reality.. that only an extension of our mind exists “inside the box”, or inside this reality construct.
It aligns with how I’ve always felt, even as a young child, that I am not “really here”. It used to drive me crazy whenever I had that awareness. I felt like I was behind and above me, and like my body was just an extension of who I really was, or like a vehicle that I feel encased in.
I am shocked to see this text above, about the Matrix and the balloon material. Not that I needed validation of my experience, but this just gives even more weight to what I saw, because it is so specific and spot-on with my vision. Thank you!
Thank you, Beloved Almine for taking the time to condense this thorough review of marerial.
Thank you kindly for putting all this material together for us. What an excellent review!
This is an absolutely awesome reference to have, Thank you ❤️❤️❤️