I have tested multiple pieces of my own shungite. All of them came back for being corrupted or possessed by black magic as of late. I’m not sure of the source, but it’s not just delegated to shungite. Other gemstone necklaces have tested positive for corruption, i.e. Nevada Turquoise, etc. Even a pendant made largely of recycled Oak. No bone necklaces, i.e. tusks, claws or antlers are affected. No pure metals either. Copper or Sterling Silver are safe.
The Seer:
It is not the shungite that is corrupted – it’s your testing method. The reason you can be sure of it, is that shungite is incorruptible (yet tested as being corrupted) whereas silver can, for instance, be corrupted. Turquoise can also not retain negativity — which is the reason why Native people prize it so highly.
In addition, isn’t bone prone to corruption?
The Seer:
It is.
And what’s the best testing method (for sacred gemstones)?
The Seer:
The best is muscle testing.
ᛞᚨᚠᛖ ᛈᛁᚾᛖ says
Always a couple of pieces of elite in my pocket to stroke or admire its beauty. I love this amazing space-rock, ever since I’ve kept it close, my joints have stopped crackling.
Patrice says
I have a shungite pendant which is fastened with copper and hanging on a material strand around my neck. I feel good when I wear it and I understand it protects against negativity…
A says
As many know crystal skulls hope diamond and other gems have been corrupted— what other gems are not able to be corrupted and what tools do we have to clear both gems and minerals in
Hunt says
I have 2 crystal skulls with elongated structures (like that of the hybrid skulls found in mesoamerica) I was holding one of them one day and begun to feel strange. I felt something was WAY off. – Darkness was seeping out/emanating from the skulls. The hairs on my body bristled, I started sweating and my guts felt sick. A demonic low-toned voice spoke directly from the clear quartz skull trying to incite/order me to acts of physical violence… As soon as I put the skull down, both the feeling and the voice dissipated.
As for incorruptible stones, natural citrine holds zero low-frequency energies as it is self-cleansing. A great stone for the home – constantly cleaning and filtering the atmosphere.
Vanessa Power says
Beloved Almine,
What is the best testing method for sacred gemstones ?