Who Am I? (Part Two)
The Seer:
I’ve been asked by one from Indian descent:
If we are Gods then who are all these Indian Gods?
For our answer, we return again to our analogy of the shattered mirror. If one were to divide and sort the smaller mirror fragments to one side, they would represent humans and human gods. (The slightly larger of this group of smaller fragments are the human gods that reflect slightly more of the Infinite’s face than the other small fragments.) If we sort out the far fewer large pieces of mirror that reflect larger parts of the Infinite’s face, those would be the Original Ones — the race of gods among men.
The Seer’s Note on The Original Ones Being a Different Race Than Man
Whenever a piece of mirror tries to reflect more of the Infinite’s light than what it’s capable of, it shatters. For this reason, the Original Ones – the gods among men – have more evolved DNA with additional non-physical strands. In other words, they are – by definition – a different race that is capable of reflecting greater light.
Not being familiar with the Indian gods other than Krishna (who was one of several revered gods of humans who had once visited me in the previous home I had lived in) I asked the Angelgod who they were. What was their origin? He said that some were highly evolved humans, a few were in fact starseeds, and one or two were Original Ones.
The Seer
To be continued...
Joanne N says
I worked in a bookstore for 12 years that had a Hindu and Buddhist focus. I learned a lot about the Indian deities and the like. Grateful to hear your take on them. This was fun to read and all of the comments too. Thank you🦋
Oo says
in my gathering
kali is a shadowgod of a original one
shiva too
krishna -from another Oo like energy
buddha as well from Oo like energy
radha rani is similar to Oo like energy
hanuman- human being
some of these indian gods are the same being like krishna could also be from the same original being as for instance buddha …. gender obvioysly doesnt matter
never bothered to check the rest probably
Hunt says
But why the blue skin…? yes, there are races out there with blue skin, but why particularly do the hindu gods/goddesses have this hue? Though not all of them were truly benign or even true gods. kali-ma is a reptilian created hologram for false worship, energy harvesting and distortion of male/female energies. Same as pan/cernunnos/the horned one/artemis/hecate. The list is seemingly endless and the world-over. There are MANY false gods. Who of the hindu pantheon is not a holo-matrix?
nina says
I’m wondering if mirror pieces are holograms, it doesn’t matter what is the size of the mirror piece. because the hologram reflects the whole. no?
Ekaterina Kapotova says
Thank so much for this info, I always wanted to know!
Sarah says
Thank you for this information ❤️
Richard Pirillo says
What is a starseed?
Ekaterina Kapotova says
One of the races, a secondary generation to man.
Dhani Nallainathan says
I knew some were “star seeds” due to the design of the temples resembling spaceships and also some Arcturians were taken to be Gods.
Dhani Nallainathan says
Interesting. Wondered about that myself, as my biological family is Tamil, Hindu.
Derek says
A whopper of a story. With many layers to it.
Marisa King says
hmmm, being that they are depicted as having a unique skin color even as much as deep blue skin, I thought all alien, for sure 🙂
Lynette Ruest says
I love these posts and can’t wait for more!
Denise Lines says
Fascinating. I’m so grateful for all this new information about the OO’s. Thank you Almine.
Gio says
I love It!!