What is the relationship incompatibility that causes our human relatives to be so critical of the Original Ones in their family? Is it that it gives the group a target to unite over?
The Seer:
One of the reasons, in short, is the innate search for sameness (uniformity). The dynamic works like this:
- Those of lower consciousness seek to reduce those who are exceptional. They do this through criticism and by minimizing the exceptional one’s accomplishments.
- Those of higher consciousness, on the other hand, seek to uplift the more mediocre ones around them — which also causes discomfort and feelings of inadequacy in others. They do this by overestimating them and having too high expectations. They make others feel pressured to excel and having to compete at the level of the more exceptional one.
All in all, the relationship between the two disparate groups can be uncomfortably strained.
What is the solution?
The Seer:
Masters who cultivate their humility and seek to learn, rather than to teach, seek to be inspired rather than to find uniformity (a tribe of like-minded others). They live from the principle of ‘my being is my sustenance‘, instead of seeking the support of others.
This is wonderful. Thank you.
How timely .I had just been speaking David’s Psalm 51:10″ Create in me a clean heart O God and renew a right Spirit within me, Cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy Holy Spirit from me. restore unto me the joy of thy salvation and uphold me with Thy free
spirit Then will I teach transgressors thy ways………. and I stopped and felt very uncomfortable……. because I knew I would only alienate them if I tried to do that. Thank you Almine for answering my concern. I love them and the very best I can do is …. Just to love them, because we speak a different language. don’t we? It may sound like English, but it makes no sense to them,