I have ordered several powersigils over the years and didn’t find that they helped in getting rid of the negative effects of shadow beings that follow me around. Why do they not seem to help me, and what must I do?
The Seer:
Let’s break your question into two parts:
Why Do They Not Seem to Help?
I have spent some time during last night trying to see what the problem is and I found the following. There is a Gas Discharge Video image (GDV) of someone’s fields around their body, taken before a twelve minute healing from me, and another taken after the healing.✶ The GDV images show that there were large gaps or openings in the field before the healing, that were closed after.
The openings indicate where injuries can occur or ailments will develop. The Healing Oil that I prepare for someone, has as its purpose the closing of gaps in their fields.†
The gaps being a vulnerable area in someone’s physical body, is like the holes in the planetary atmosphere — it creates unprotected areas where meteorites can strike the planet. The daily Light Explosion Protocol aims at closing any weakened areas that may have occurred during the last 24hours.
In the night I saw that you have some significant gaps in your fields that keep undoing the beneficial effects of the tools that we’ve been using. These unprotected areas are like open doors for hostile intent.
What Must You Do?
Here’s what you’ll need to do over the next three months to create a dense and protective cocoon of fields around your physical body, to ‘close the open doors’:
- Set aside a Saturday afternoon to do as many of the Kaanish Belvaspata sigils for yourself as you can.
- Thereafter do the first seven sigils of Kaanish Belvaspata once a day before going to sleep and in the morning as you wake up.
- I will give you a Healing Oil as my gift if you can pay for the postage please.
You will definitely need to do the following for three months please:
- Order PSY Stabil homeopathic remedy (you’ll need about two large bottles per month) — my office can order it for you.¶ Use 30 drops three times a day in a bit of pure water, as far away from food as possible. Don’t bring the drops on contact with metal and don’t store near electric devices.
- Have a friend muscle test you while holding “sacred” objects or regularly worn jewelry, to see if any weakening effects are being picked up from them. Particularly focus on any obtained from Central or South America. If something negative is detected through kinesiology, bury it far away from your house.
- Sprinkle salt around your house and place a little pot of salt under your bed.
- Try and find a way to reduce and laminate the new Powersigil I’m creating for you.§ And wear it in your shoes. Place it under your mattress and under chairs or a desk (especially near TVs and computers) etc. In your vehicles would also be a good idea.
- Reduce the use of chemicals in your home.
The Seer
✶See: This Multifaceted Nature of Trauma
†See: Your Personal Alchemical Healing Oil
‡See: Kaanish Belvaspata and Belvaspata Angel Healing (Vol 1)
¶See: How to Use PSY-stabil
§See: Your Personal Sigil of Power
Feeling the depth of vulnerability expressed through this Brother/Sister and the breadth of compassion flowing forth from The Seer brings me to tears. Thank-You, Beloveds💦🙏🏼🕊💦🌟♥️🌟🕯
Almine, this is brilliant advice for everyone!
Deep Gratitude
as timely as always my dear Almine and team thank you
Thank you! Can you let me know how can I order my own oil from Almine?
Daniela, just go to this website and put in Personal Blend in the SEarch box to order it.
Personal Alchemical Healing Oil