Some questions about dream symbolism. First, what do dreams of being in high heel shoes mean?
The Seer:
Shoes as dream symbols mean understanding. High heeled shoes mean lofty or elevated understanding. A dream of wearing them is advising you to look deeper and get a more advanced meaning of something; not to take a situation in your life at face value.
And watermelon?
The Seer:
A watermelon dream symbol means that behind the appearance of something being uninteresting or unattractive, there is a joyous experience waiting with further joyous possibilities resulting from it (the seeds). The fact that it is whole, indicates that all necessary parts needed for the situation to yield positive results, are in place.
And does this apply to melons in general?
The Seer:
Melons in general that are pleasant and edible.
Eggplant has the opposite meaning: ‘something appears to be pleasant, but behind the appearances it is very disappointing’.
So true.
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What a profound message. I was dithering about buying a watermelon today to incorporate into my juice fast. I must go back tomorrow and get one along with limes. I already have fresh mint. Thank y’all so much🙏💖🌹🕊️👑
Mmmm! Watermelon Granité, delicious! With a squeeze of lime and sprig of mint.
And homegrown aubergine à la Provençale, caviar d’aubergine, or ‘egg plant’ sliced, marinated and grilled over a campfire 🌞
Never disappointed!
BK! Mmmmm!
I thought you might comment, lol. My husband sometimes brought back an aubergine dish prepared in a Nepali restaurant which was an absolute favourite… so this made me laugh for a different reason.
Sure, when embellished and camouflaged with other flavors…
Hahahaha, very fun. Thank you both.
Hahahaaa……something humorous for us…;)
lol! 🙂