Disclaimer: The following is an account of a private conversation between the Seer and myself, since here at OriginalOnes.org we generally discourage questions to the effect of, ‘is location x safe?’ (“Safe”, that is, within the future of our current timeline that, while not set in stone, remains highly probabilistic and is therefore still foreseen.)
The main reasons for this are (a) the criticism of “fear mongering” this will incur or (b) the fact that the general public doesn’t know how to interpret such information in a way that does not absolve themselves of responsibility, shifting this instead to another. Nevertheless, the exchange below culminates in a key insight that sidesteps this issue and is crucial for us all to grasp.
Background Information
- The Next Great Depression
- The Largest Earthquake in Human History
- A Drought Unlike Any Recorded in History
- Digital Blackout
- A Very Tentative Timetable of Prophetic Events
And: Every Prophecy I Give Won’t Come True
A friend asked if any of the following locations are safe in future? I replied that probably not, but would like to check with you: Ukraine (Kiev and Carpathian mountains), Turkey, Bali and Portugal.
The Seer:
He also asked about Poland, Bulgaria, Spain and Cyprus. I said it’s safe to assume none of these are ideal, on account of being in Europe / the EU?
The Seer:
Russia is planning on taking back the possession of all Eastern European countries that it used to have under its control. So war is an issue there. Spain will come under a strict dictatorship.
But you need to be specific about the safety from what? A location may be safe against war, but not against drought, for instance.
You’re saying that there aren’t really any safe places that check all the boxes.
The Seer:
Yes. The reason I’ve previously suggested islands such as Mauritius and the Seychelles, is because they would be a good place politically. Flooding and meteors, etc. are more easily able to be prevented than war. Humans are very warlike creatures and they keep manifesting such an outcome.
But these are difficult questions to answer because your faith and proxy magic can turn an unsafe place into a safe place. So to live one’s Godhood is the safest place.
Seer’s Note:
For many years I’ve seen a massive (a mile in diameter) meteor plunging into the Indian Ocean and flooding coastlines and islands. A place like Mauritius would therefore have been unsafe. But in the dreamtime a small group of godbeings (Original Ones) diverted its course and prevented such a catastrophe.✶ Mauritius is now safe from such catastrophic flooding. I hope you can thus see how my answer is dependent on many variables.
The Seer
✶See: A Lot of Black Hole Sleep
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Hi Rogier, I’ve been feeling an extremely odd vibe since the start of this year, almost a foreboding of sorts. I must admit it’s producing a bit of anxiety, which is not helped by the increasing 5G overload. Unusually, I’m finding it challenging to sort out my own feelings from what I’m sensing, and I can’t decide if it’s a “calm before the storm” sort of thing, or if if it’s just my own personal pause. I wonder has Almine mentioned anything about this? In the meantime, having to step it up with daily self-care processes big time.
Nothing said, other than the revelations and shifts (late) December.
Possibly “just” that then, only the pressing need to get aspects not sorted last year properly prepped for has become more urgent.
‘Twas perhaps the solar activity
how is war more difficult to avert than a meteor! unbelievable! it seems like the one thing you as a society have the power to decide! i have a lot of doubts!
im not trying to disagree with her, i am trying to understand. is she saying like hobbes that war is the state of things. is she saying war is unpreventable. like a meteor crashing down on you, war is inevitable IF you didnt take the proper proceedings, for which i blame myself.
Dreaming about the day when we are no longer so bombarded with EMF radiation.
Loving this image Rogier. 🙂
I liked it too 😊
Yess si Beautiful 🦢🐝🌸
Thanks guys 😉