Do you foresee “them” going nuts with this monkeypox?
The Seer:
Jaylene had a dream that, when interpreted, gave the message that the unfolding of this particular agenda will not go according to expectations based on previous timetables. It could therefore “go nuts” much quicker.
In case you can gather any useful information from Jaylene’s dream of last night, here’s the interpretation:
Everybody will feel all relaxed that the really bad times of the pandemic are over (“is dead”). Life will feel under control and predictable. But then the whole pandemic nightmare will go crazy again and “come back to life”.
It is important to listen to your feelings that “something bad may happen”. Your dream indicates that if you feel that way, something bad is in reality going to happen.
Other dream symbols:
- Shattered glass = a shattered matrix. Meaning, the way life takes place in a society, is completely destroyed.
- You and I were in a tent = that means we don’t think we know what’s going on; we’re carefully being aware of guidance from the universe. Most are not quite as busy studying the signs in their environment as we are.
- The flashlight you had, is your gift of guidance for our family through dreaming.
The dream is saying:
As a family we should stand together — each of us making the family strong by doing our part:
- You’re dealing with first responders
- Ronni is protecting
- I am puzzling out what’s going on.
It is also saying that we may feel as though we may have overreacted when the Covid crises took place, but it was just practice for what is to come.
I’ve been feeling this too. This is the part of the horror movie where everyone has been lulled into complacency, and the sense that “it’s over”, only for the sociopath to re-emerge shockingly, and with a vengeance.
The Seer:
There are so many ways to look at this pandemic and so many things to learn from it.
One of the things that surprised me a little is the way the average human mind copes with a change of the state of the world. It’s like it can handle only a limitted amount of change, and sooner or later when the old complacent and repetitive patterns don’t return, the human mind also starts getting complacent to that.
Just like there are places on the Earth where people shoot at eachother in the streets. If you’re used to a safe country you’d be scared out of your wits when that sort of thing happens, but at some point people in violent countries will just go about their daily lives and even watch a football game while a shooting is happening, acting as if nothing is going on at all. And it’s not mastery or masterful surrender, just complacency.
Humans who are used to a household where everyone leaves in the morning, returns later in the day and thus spends relatively little time with one another were now forced to spend time with eachother. They can’t handle it. The irony is that now they’re forced to experience eachothers disruptive behaviour for a pro-longed period of time.
Anyways I could go on for hours. Regardless of the mayham that we may experience seeing things from the mind, within the universe things are always playing out the way they were meant to.
Peace to my lightfamily
I am very grateful for this post in so many ways. It has so many layers that revealed themselves upon studying it with my friend.
I realized that the gift of the pandemic was to strengthen the function of not taking things at the face value, as the image of people walking in the masks covering the faces emerged in the front of my mind. Why? Why would we want to strengthen the function of not taking something at the face value; because we do not want to walk into somebodies dream.
When we master certain function and utilize it or build on it, our expression becomes balanced and natural, because it provides us with the stability and acts as an interface between inner and outer. Then I realized that it is the wild woman and inner baby that are not so much engaging in the outer expression but rather the outer expression is the result of the inner stirrings of these subpersonalities.
I realized that when we express certain function, basically symptoms go away. So it is not about treating of the symptoms as it is about supporting the function, because otherwise it is just chasing of the symptoms.
Very grateful for this. I have also had this feeling for some months, and because of everything else going on at the same time it’s often hard to tell if it’s my own trauma response to something making its way out of my field, or a genuine sensing of the dynamics of human reality.
I have had this feeling for many weeks now, like a bowstring pulled taut or a tightly coiled spring. I feel it in the air and inside myself – I feel like my body is readying itself for action. It’s the calm before the storm.
Same hunt, great description!
I feel depressed.
I’m trying to just focus on the details in my own life. We’ve been dealing with this since 2020. I think I’ve had enough. I know this is one GIANT testing. Dear Infinite Mother PLEASE GUIDE US THROUGH THIS MORE GRACEFULLY! 🙂
Amén Alexandra
If u guys Let me sugests the 672 Angels gods of inner space just playing yo your home
I would think that any of The Seer’s tools will help at this point 🙂
I know dear Jane, I want to give you my love and support, we are required great balance and inner strength to watch this movie unfolding…but it is helpful to remember you can change the channel and commune with nature, and take a break if you need it. Many Blessings are ours, as we participate with inspiration…when inspiration is not there I just watch and try to remain neutral and guard my emotions and my mind from manipulation.
I went into a very unexpected rapture yesterday that had my high heart portal wide open…I was streaming Infinite Love for what seemed like forever but was probably 20 or so minutes. It was intense and I could feel my body’s cells were in fullness of Infinite Love, without me doing anything….just being myself. The micro and macro cosmos were enraptured. It was lovely and totally unexpected…so not all is dire. We have our GreatSelf to watch over us, and when we least expect it it gives us GreatLove that makes us feel we are Great Beings of Love and we are very cared for.
I love you Jane and All creation, with my deepest respect for the roles we play.
LPGTH always our pillars.
“Everybody will feel all relaxed that the really bad times of the pandemic are over (“is dead”). Life will feel under control and predictable. But then the whole pandemic nightmare will go crazy again and “come back to life”.”
The elites have a supreme understanding of the core of ancient trauma. They understand they CANNOT over traumatize the people. Or they will lose their merciless grip. If they over traumatized the people they will actually break through and start healing the trauma. So the trauma and their agenda will come in waves. They have to stack the trauma and also get the people used to it. So they can up the intensity.
Unless somebody knows this, and wants to pull the plug. In that case, expect all Hell to break loose.
Dear Almine, you once explained that a surge of ambulance and their sirens where a result of people’s roles no longer needed and thus their death. I have noticed a similar effect but with amber alerts. Is there a similar significance?
If you don’t mind me asking, what is to come?
Don’t know what else to do other use my light explosion everyday. Everyone around me is so asleep still. accelerate to me means I’m going to be out of a job for awhile and they’ll be forcing even more vaccines until many many more are dead from them…..I don’t know if I can do this.
Yes, exactly what I have been feeling. This so called calm is just a cover while they are plotting their more exacting next move. Exactly my concern. Thank you for addressing this Rogier. Gratitude to Almine for forwarning us once again.
I had a dream recently where I was in a medical office setting and the entire building exploded with me inside. I watched from above and it reset itself. I saw Almine with me, and she said it was a simulation. The dream prior to that one I had shattered glass in my hands and fingers. I feel like the simulation is for those in a reactive state. As long as we stay home within ourselves, we can shield ourselves. The exploding medical office was interesting to me especially now with this monkey pox explosion
I have no words just The felling INSIDE me that there no way out But I am grateful that you shared this information with us
My Beloved Almine and Joanne dreams always sorprisme cuase they aré very acurrate
This DAYS aré felling very odd indeed
But im not given up we Must stand
Again i feel just love for sharing this Dream and information with us.
Thank you Almine and Family, and to you Rogier, our ‘heads-up’ bro.
Almine has given us a lot of Tools to attenuate the effects and side-effects of C19, whose present variants are less virulent. We have used these Tools and found then of great assistance.
Since we know (slightly) in advance about the upcoming plague (monkeypox, or perhaps another…) is Almine developing further Tools for this? And the v.x that I think is all ready to be deployed?
From this dream account, a recommended preventive protocole seems urgent for our families and neighborhood. School will be starting soon; hot weather; heads in the sand…
What prep beyond Coloured Light protocol, BVP Song of the Self, nano protection sigils? And Wholesome living up to and beyond the 27th?
Ta 💚
Hello eveyone,
You mention much timely information, Kathyrn, thank you.
The Light Explosion Protocol and the Belvaspata modalities (posted below) are what Almine has specifically mentioned numerous times as our most ‘helpful’ tools right now. In addition, each of us living our unique passion and joy in our own Heaven on Earth (nature is of course a blessed support and sanctuary).
~ Kaanish Belvaspata (resulting in Enlightenment and Purification)
~ The Song of the Self (resulting in balance and harmony to the unique song of our soul), even unstoppable beyond physical existence. You can read about it on the most recent post of the Belvaspata website on 7/24/22 http://belvaspata.org/the-song-of-the-self-is-unstoppable/.
All love, praise, and gratitude to our Beloved Almine, infinitely and eternally.
Thank you Jan for this confirmation and your recent post about Song of Self on the Belvaspata site.
And today the 27th of July, the perfect chance to up the ante using these Tools with renewed Hope!
Thank you my Beloved Jan 💙🌹🌹🌹🌹🌅🌅🌅
Oh yes, this tallies with what i have been feeling too. I also read recently that agenda 2030 has been “accelerated”.
Miriam i was just feeling the same and i swear for god that i have a particular sign in my environments “when a special brid sing at night at my house Windows Is because there somethings wrong happing
Thanks Rogier. Any idea on a current time line when this will begin and end?
Joanne 🌺
There’s currently no telling when it will end, and these dreams signal it could escalate relatively soon.