What about Original Ones that have actually submitted their DNA to services such as 23andMe in the past? Any special precautions?✶
The Seer:
There is an additional way to stay under the radar of others’ attempts to depopulate the planet (the prophecy in my journal calls this initiative ‘mass murder with impunity’ because it’s a way of killing without a trace of the perpetrator). The safest way to prevent harm from DNA, is to change the Song of the Self by becoming new each day.†
To become new each day is already the way of a master. The master becomes new each day by recapitulating the events of the day and living a life of self-examination; of learning and doing new things that inspire and produce a feeling of deep satisfaction.‡ The regular use of the Song of the Self Belvaspata will assist with retuning the Song of the Self and evolving the DNA.§
Are these ancestry services the only way through which the DNA is collected? Or does it also happen via clinics, doctor’s offices, etc.? Or is it that only the former has the infrastructure to do so?
The Seer:
It’s not the only way. For example, the hospital may ask you to sign a form agreeing to your DNA being gathered and tested.
The criminal DNA database tested the infrastructure.
A question received…
The information about the DNA warfare is so overwhelming. I’m struggling inside but go through the motions to maintain a sense of normalcy in daily life… Focusing on the details.
The Seer:
Your method of coping is that of a true master:
When facing overwhelming odds, focus on the details.
Do your daily light explosion protocol (it has produced many miracles) and then surrender with glad expectations to the beauty and inspiration unfolding around you.
✶See: DNA Warfare
†See: The Song of the Self is Unstoppable
‡See: Nine Steps of Releasing the Past
§See: Belvaspata: Angel Healing Vol. 1
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Ekaterina Kapotova says
Well, one can isolate DNA from all kinds of biological samples: blood, saliva, swabs etc. Do these tests also pose danger?
Bas Waaijer says
I can totally relate and I’ve always felt like an Original One’s physical tissue should be kept away from the medical industry as much as possible. Heck, a while ago I had to get my blood tested at a physician because I was having a health issue. This is pretty routine, and we’re lucky that they don’t look that far into our blood, and only check blood for selected items, but still it makes me nervous. Guess I’m also lucky I live in Holland, and not the USA.
Ciara says
I had a very interesting experience as a teen that I fully understood for what it meant even at the time – I was in a children’s hospital and they were wanting to do a spinal tap to collect some of my spinal fluid, but it failed 3 times, they couldn’t get any. I knew that my spine would not release any of its DNA because it needed to be kept secret. The experience left extremely deep scarring (on multiple levels) that took years to heal, by by god am I glad it didn’t work, and the insight was also valuable because it gave me a clear window into the greater truth of myself. I’ve been incredibly cautious about allow any data on me to be collected since then.
Dhani says
Thank you for this Rogier. Some very good and useful information here. Gratitude to Almine!
Zen says
Thank You
Christina says
Thank you! 💕🙏
Giovany A says
My Dear Rogier my Dear Almine thank you for sharing this invaluable information im so GLAD i found you in this LIFE
Is in deed a very clear information
Sonja Jean says
❤️ Thank you 🙏