Why have so many of our Lightfamily chosen hardship or emotional turmoil as part of their journey on Earth?
The Seer:
The balance between internal and external stress or hardship, will help us understand why some civilizations destroy themselves through internal, domestic conflict, and some are vanquished from without.
There is a certain amount of stress needed to keep physical, material realities in place. I realized during the last election that what voters were actually choosing, is between external wars and civil unrest.
In looking behind the appearances, I could see that the horror of hordes of rioters railing against non-existing issues for over 100 days in Portland, Oregon, disrupting businesses and polluting a beautiful city, yet again had a purpose — which brings me to your question:
The Original Ones have a far greater influence on life on Earth than they realize. They have been pulling humanity into less dense levels of existence, when density yet has purposes to serve. By loading their own lives with stress, the Original Ones themselves stay physical and therefore so does humanity. We have on rare occasions (one of these occasions being earlier this year), had to go into a descension because of material life becoming too ethereal.
💜 This priceless message from The Seer is brought to you by the Original Ones 🦄
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Ciara says
Very fascinating. I’ve often contemplated on this question in the face of much judgement from other spiritual beings on the fact that my life still contains many very challenging experiences despite being a life of joy and freedom and beauty etc etc, knowing full well that it’s deliberate and serves a very high purpose. I’ve noted the same (obviously different, but same sentiment) in relation to our Beloved Ones’s life – ie. if she’s so enlightened, why isn’t it easy? For it to be “easy” is completely missing the point.
Joanne Harding says
I am a little confused. We were pulling humanity into less density and at the same time, taking on more stress so that we stay in physicality? … what is our highest path?
Living in wholesomeness, decreasing dependency on external sources, simplifying our lives, but by so doing, the ripple affect would be less density, more ethereal. How do we find balance without making our lives more difficult? Not really sure of the answer but grateful as always for the messages xx
Joanne 🌺
Ekaterina Kapotova says
Oh yes, I have generated a lot of stress in my own life.
Alexandra Murray says
Oh wow. I need a minute or so with this one. I’m still healing from my past. I will write this one down when unpleasant memories that effect me now come up. It is now time to start healing on a mass scale.
Christina says
Whoa! I have been asking this question this last couple months. Thank you Rogier and Almine!!! LPGSTH
Dhani Nallainathan says
Okay then….thanks for this timely advise.
Lynette Ruest says
I am soooooo grateful for this message as it answers questions I have re: myself and my partner’s life.