Why does life have this strange nightmarish quality to it?
The Seer:
That’s a good question. To avoid a global catastrophe, we descended to a lower level of life.* That means the gap between the Original Ones and humanity is bigger than ever; they’ll seem more depraved and crazy to you than ever before. You may even experience depression and a disinclination to leave your home and be amongst people. But on the positive side, the deep knowing that you’re a holy one amongst men, can be deeply and strongly felt. The inner knowing that death cannot claim you unless you give up on life, is stronger too.
One can sidestep catastrophes by moving into a higher realm, or a lower. In this instance cosmic life can’t move higher without humanity losing their minds, so we experienced a fall of consciousness.
Did the Original Ones experience a fall as well?
The Seer:
They’ve travelled to a lower realm with the rest of life, but their consciousness is still as high as it was before the Fall, that’s why I’m saying that the gap between the Original Ones and man, is bigger.
The Seer recommends using a daily dose of the homeopathic remedy
PSY-stabil (25 drops in a bit of pure water, as far away from food as possible), for depression and to remove that nightmarish quality. Available through the Fragrance Alchemy office: team@fragrancealchemy.com
*Also see: Resistance Due to Lack of Trust
💜 This priceless message from The Seer is brought to you by the Original Ones 🦄
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Bas Waaijer says
Interesting that Almine touches on this subject, because that is exactly how it felt to me amongst humanity as of late. Even though through compassionate understanding I can put myself in the position of humans, it takes more and more effort for me to understand where their behaviour comes from.
As for humanity losing their minds, I’d love for Almine to elaborate on that. The only thing I can imagine is that the growth of the OO is constantly pushing humanity, and its going to fast for them to keep up?
lisa says
I would like to understand the reasons that would cause the result of result of ” humanity losing its mind” if we moved to a higher rather than a lower realm.
It doesn’t seem obvious that that would be the case. Why wouldn’t a higher realm uplift and clarify?
Ginette says
It may have something to do with how Almine has said Our Light bends their minds. The masses trapped in the current mass hypnosis have sunk deeper, I can imagine they wouldn’t have been able to cope with such a transition. From observing what’s in my environment, those who are at a certain level I think are still there (ie those who are not paralysed by fear).
Ciara Young says
Interesting, I haven’t noticed this at all. Having a grand old time in my little bubble.
Lynette Ruest says
Yes I have felt this nightmare quality as well – but strangely most of my life as well especially childhood. However I see now many gifts coming through this “stage” we are in that would not have been experienced otherwise. We are now in God mind soon going into group mind and we are pouring our compassion into the world through the many Powersigils gifted by us. We are walking in our Godhood embracing this nightmare and seeing beyond appearances – it is the only way to change life. It is a great gift to know we walk in our Godhood and see how we change life.
Hunt says
Does anyone know what Almine is referring to when she says “giving up on life?”
Jess Ika says
This seems to have even touched those I would have otherwise thought immune, such as advanced spiritual teachers. If it is indeed the same phenomena. When did this occur?
marli says
How long will this descension take?
Vanessa says
Can we leave this nightmarish reality if we have avoided cataclysm?…Did this happen last week? Or as of last night?…will our presance amongst man creat even more irritation amongst them too???
Alexandra Murray says
One question. Is it going to be worse than the last two years? 2 years of famine and war? Do we need to prepare food and water for years now? It rather concerns me as to what a “lower realm” means exactly?. Are we going to have to put up with these infiltrators creating a dystopian reality? I’m just not sure what Almine is referring to when she says “The fall” and “lower reality” exactly. I have a feeling even more of humanity will have to be “thinned out” now in order to move up.
Giovany Acuna says
Now everything makes more sense, these days have been very strange, very beautiful or very bizarre, both of them.thank you dear Almine AND Rogier for bring this
Dhani says
Thank you for these perceptions Almine. That really explains a lot of what I am seeing. Very timely question. Thanks.
Dhani says
I sensed this very much during our Saturday gathering as well. That I purposely did not expand in consciousness as much as I usually do, during these gatherings. Was wondering what was going on, though I remained very clear and felt the presence of the Angel Gods all along but, at somewhat a distance. This was very unusual for me.Now I understand much better what happened.
jana says
What if we do the Belvaspata healing for each other over next few days to honor each other. I can do the Belvaspata healing for you Dhani if you like.
Dhani says
Thank you Jana. That would be great!
Jana says
I will do for you the Belvaspata Sigils of level 1 and the Sigils of level 2, today in the evening.
Monika says
Interesting and thank you for the update. I was asking myself since about two weeks now why life feels like being thrown back into stages of awakening.
I work a lot with the meridians and runes at the moment + the Principles from the Atlantean Angelgods which help restore the five elements and therefore balance the meridians.
Many blessings to all✨