For every disease on Earth there is a plant that is its antidote. This is true, except for diseases that have come in from aliens; from different planets. The AIDS disease is such a problem.
The Seer
By popular member* request we’re sharing this transmission from the Seer from 2014. In it, she discusses the alien function of group mind that informs, genetically, the disease. Visit the store for the Wheel for Severing Ancestral Lineages.â€
*This website is supported by its members. Learn more→
†Related: The Self Wheels (AKA The Wheels of Pristine Existence, originally received for this affliction). Stay tuned: Jan is currently exploring publishing the Belvaspata protocol for HIV & AIDS.
Dhani Nallainathan says
Thank you for this great reminder!
Giovany Acuña says
This Is so important! Thank you my beloved Almine AND than you Dearest Rogier for sharing This information.
Barbara Kathryn says
I have a question concerning the accompanying Wheel for Severing Ancestral Lineage (link given in this poste). If we OOs weren’t necessary born and our family isn’t related to us, is this relevant to us for some other reason? For instance if an OO got caught up in their foster-family’s interest and identification with their ancestors (Scottish clan, French-Canadian, Irish-American, gold-rush pioneers…). Mostly these are just fun stories to us. But I have noticed that some actually take their supposed lineage to heart. In that case they could well need to transmute the karma. On a personal level, just like humans.
And on a proxy level?
Jana says
I would like to ask question regarding moving the self-wheels up through the body. Do we move the self-wheels as it says for example in the Belvaspata book 1 vol.2, “While lying on your back, look at the wheel and feel its qualities. When you are ready visualize the wheel standing upright below your feet (or as if you are standing on the wheel). In this position, the wheel will be at a right angle to the floor. Bring the wheel up through your body and allow yourself to feel the energies of it travels the length of your body from your feet to the 10th or Lahun chakra. Hold the wheel there. If a wheel feels “stuck” anywhere, continue to feel the quality of the wheel until it moves freely”.
I am mainly wondering whether to hold the self-wheels in the Lahun chakra or let it move through and out of Lahun chakra as we did many other times integrating wheels. I wonder what is the difference between holding the wheel in the Lahun chakra and moving through and out of Lahun chakra. Could someone assist please?
Thank you
Gio says
Alexandra Murray says
I definitely cannot wait for this ceremony/protocol.