Illuminated Choices
Ascension Angelgod 90
Kla Naas-Virs-Pa-Pel-Ech-El-Nu-Sut
Observe as the little child begins her game of hopscotch. Note how the pink chalk squares are precisely drawn on the sidewalk. The path is carefully laid out, drawn and set. As she tosses her round stone, it lands on the precise spot and she hops on one foot and moves forward to where the stone has landed; only placing the other foot down occasionally as allowed on the double squares. To this child, this is a game of illuminated choices as she hops carefully from one square to the next, stopping to pick up the stone in order to cast it forward again.
So we also have opportunities to do likewise. It is when we become still and quiet that the guidance and directions in our own life light up and become illumined. We know we’re on the right path as our choices become clearer and clearer — illuminated before our very eyes and confirmed by the affirmation of our heart.
Rogier I’ve been wondering if all of the power sigils, and thus focus on the angelgods, could contribute to an imbalance inviting more chaos? Could it be beneficial to have a sigil for “demons”? Many thanks for your insights and questions. This is really just to you. No need to post.
What a great parable for life. Thank you dear Angel God for your assistance.
So true
Love how this is so simply expressed. Thank you Rogier for this post.
How simple and true to take a pause.
I know I want a simple life. Making, growing or building something with my hands…someday in the not too distant future.