Almine has stated that the Gods and Goddesses are uncreated and not transient, meaning they are eternal. However, she has also said that she has encountered some OOs that ceased to be a god/goddess but were now a cow or horse. How is this possible?
The Seer:
Even though I am very much trying to be in retirement and not to make myself available for adding more teachings to our Lightfamily’s relatively unexplored arsenal of already received teachings‡, I realize that there is a gap in our information leading up to your confusion.
There are several ways (although it is a rare occurrence) in which a more advanced being can end up in an animal’s form. I want to address only one possible way:
Throughout the ages, there have always been millions of ghosts walking among us — unseen by almost everybody. These ghosts are of very low consciousness and increase during times of pandemics, cataclysms and wars. These are the ones who refused to move on to the soul realms when the Angel of Death came to escort them there. After several days the door to the soul world closes for them and they become trapped in the physical world; incorporeal and unable to fully experience the blessings of material life.
Although it is forbidden according to universal laws, they often become “body snatchers” — walking into a body as the true soul occupant of that body leaves for the soul world. Their desire to experience things of the flesh is so strong, that a few may even choose to enter the body of an animal, if nothing else is available to them. However, if a body of a human or even an Original One becomes available, it is possible that the invasive soul (the ghost) could jump from the animal body to the human (or even an Original One’s) body, taking a lot of the animal’s characteristics with him or her.
Original Ones have immortal bodies and should one of them choose to go to the soul world, his or her body is very much sought after. But ghosts have very low consciousness and most cannot manage to occupy such a highly evolved body — it repels them. So, having failed, they are forced to either re-enter an animal body, or wander the Earth disincarnate until they find another body to enter. The Angelgods call these beings “the walking dead”.
The negative consequences of this unlawful conduct for these disincarnate souls is that they may never be rebirthed into physicality again.
The negative consequences for humanity is that this way of keeping bodies alive beyond their time to pass on, ties up much energy that could rightfully become available to the next generation for a higher consciousness.
They therefore not only steal bodies, but also energy that should be the inheritance of subsequent generations of children. This creates an increase of children with behavioral disabilities (on the scale of autism, for instance).
The Seer Almine
‡Relatively unexplored — which is why OriginalOnes.org republishes “old” material.
💜 This priceless message from The Seer is brought to you by the Original Ones 🦄
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Thank you for the new information and BLV modality that has a healing solution for everything and every corner of life. LPGHT
I would think that Esklavanet Belvaspata might be appropriate now, more than ever. It was given to us to help clear ghosts trapped because they have missed the 6-day transition period…and trapping energy needed for people trying to evolve dispite dense consciousness holding them back.
And now that the nine Angels of Esklavanet are Angel Gods, it can be performed for an area or group or incident involving a lot of stuck souls. Before they can take over a dying body! It is not a long modality, but requires the first Belvaspata initiation at least; just like other BVP modalities do.
But there is also the very new Belvaspata of the Earth, for which Almine has created an oil and its Sigil. And one of those Angel Gods can be invoked to clear souls during mass deaths. And this modality does not require Initiation.
We can do a lot of clearing with these modalities, removing these desperate ones before they resort to ‘body snatching’. It doesn’t, I presume, clear any who have already entered a cast-off body…
Woah…. Omg…. Deeply grateful for the clarity on this Almine and to Rogier for posting.
Many thanks for this info….