So I let the Seer read the latest hate mail and she requested I share the following. Continue reading →
The Roads Are Full of Ghost Animals
When a kingdom is burdened with ghosts, it ties up energy and the entire kingdom lowers in consciousness. Continue reading →
They Live From a Total of Seven Bodies
Godbeings who have moved beyond living like humans, but live divine lives of wholesomeness, bring an additional three higher, non-physical bodies online. Continue reading →
The Vehicle of The Soul
The etheric body is the vehicle of the soul. It is a similar shape to the body, but slightly bigger. Continue reading →
Powersigil to Restore the Wholeness of the Fields Around The Earth
The Powersigil to Restore the Wholeness of the Fields Around the Earth and for the Creation of an Impervious Shield Around the Planet Continue reading →
The Lament of the Feminine Spirit
I am the waif that howls through the night, who whispers at windows where families pray. I search for a home as I travel afar on silver, sticky spider webs spun from my hands. Continue reading →