Whatever language you speak, speak it well and treat it reverently, for it is a part of the sacred infrastructure of life on Earth.
The Seer Almine
The Seer:
Some qualities needed for life on Earth to flourish, are the result of an alchemical equation of several other qualities, that should be contributed by multiple languages. ‘Graceful Change’, for instance, is the equation of trust, reverence, and deep and meaningful living. If any part of the equation is missing, it results in forced and calamitous change.
‘Wholesomeness’, is the result of a combination of the following: self-sufficiency, balanced generosity and receptivity, cooperation with the rhythms of the passage of time, vitality through acquiring new skills and exploring new experiences, the disciplined contribution to the quality and order of the day, and an appreciation of the valued balance of roots and wings. The wholesomeness of life for humanity becomes lost when the linguistic tones of one or more ethnic groups are missing.
Because of the ability of the loss of language to annihilate a culture, spiritual leaders of some cultures, opposed the fragility of a written language. Those who were able to access the deeper secrets of language, furthermore knew that language without written form, bestowed intuitive gifts that enriched the inner realities. These languages conveyed meaning through pictographs or movement and song.
The languages of the fairies, elves, unicorns and other magical kingdoms, have been emphasized in my books. So have the wheels that act as pictographs and convey concepts non-cognitively. Their importance lies in the fact that they are part of the backup plan. If the planetary balance is disturbed by the loss of human languages, these subtle languages take their place by filling the gaps in the alchemical equation of frequency. The changing tones of whale song and birdsong and the songs of frogs, and crickets, do the same. The mystical realms also fill the gaps left by extinct animal species, with their contribution to the alchemical potencies of tones — both heard and unheard.
The Seer Almine
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Ciara Young says
Anna says
I love the back-up plan!! Deeply magical🎶🌼🌸🐸🐳🐦
marli chan says
I shall view Wholesomeness with more
reverence and gratitude!
It is like living a life of miracles!
Dhani says
So beautiful and meaningful in today’s worldl.
Alex M says
Oh thank GOODNESS!!!