My Dearest Lightfamily,
It has been my greatest joy, on an otherwise very long, and very solitary journey, to be able to have you as a Lightfamily since 1997 when I first started making my public appearance. I have found not being present among you in retreats, to be my greatest challenge. I miss you and I hear you speak to me on the wind and visit me in my dreams. Please know that you are always in my heart and on my mind. I want to comfort you when you’re scared, but feel confident that we have all the tools we need to change the future to a graceful one. All it needs is faith in yourselves.
I love you,
Hello again, Hello!
Oh tears pour from my heart in feeling this message to us, and I am so grateful for the un-ending source of comfort and the tools we have been given to support the graceful transition. Day by day, my faith in myself increases, and I thank not just myself for this level of trust but to Almine and all of you for the continual waves of unconditional love and exquisite progression. Thank you…
Thank you Almine,
today in a favorite place en a beautiful site in the wood the wind began immidiate to blow I know it was you ,given me a lovely hi and saying that you are there.
It happend several times when i talk there to you that i feel and see your omniprescence . I am very grateful for that to have tea talks like that.
Gratitude and love and trust .
❤ Thank you for this beautiful message, dear Almine, I so love you! ❤ You’re in my heart and on my mind always, and I can feel that you hear me when I speak to you, you come to me in my dreams and on some occasions even in awake time ❤ What you mean to life, since I’ve finally found you in 2005, is truly beyond any words. My eternal gratitude, praise and love to you ❤❤❤
I 💝 you too….
Thank you for this beautiful message Almine! We indeed have so many tools you shared with us over the years and I know we are the tool also. 🙂 I miss retreats at times because it felt like home, it was your presence that made eternal existence right there present with our light family. Deep work but fun too! It would be so nice to have a gathering with you and the OO´s! Love You for always being a twinkle away! XO
Sad but true. We miss you dearly too.
Beloved Almine, what I feel for you is truly indescribable and I enjoy so much when we have mini-retreats in the soul world. My eternal love, praise, gratitude. In surrendered trust I am, thanks to your presence, courage and efforts to look for us and guide us home 🖤🥀
Thank you Almine. I really miss you too and cried out to you recently, telling you I wished I could be with you. You heard me and spoke to me. I could hear you clearly in the middle of my brain. I know that sounds strange but even mentioning it now activates that communication with you. It was followed by a profound experience with you, for which I am very grateful. A few days ago I listened to the beautiful sound elixir you created for me, as I was scared. I listened to it over and over again for hours into the night and it brought me great strength and comfort and I woke up feeling strong and determined to not believe or give energy to the insanity that appears to be unfolding. It felt to me that this beautiful elixir was created for this moment. You said “Glorious goddess of loving grace, many times pain has been felt by you for the human race. Beloved daughter, do not believe what you see, for the gods and goddesses among men have brought a great light that has been birthed. Life has changed, but how will you know?. This is something that yesterday’s statistics do not show. Beloved daughter, raise up your head, let joy fill your heart. The greatest gift you can give to mankind is to walk the journey of delight. For this is the next step; that the careworn ways of old be left by the wayside, that a new dawn of delight for humankind unfolds. Bask in our oneness, feel it like a warmth and a glow, for you are never alone- I Am Always With You-, this you must know. Remember who you are; in honouring all life, walk with reverence and joy, that all mankind may be affected by this. Such a gift for me to hear at this time, spoken from the mouth of the most beautiful voice I have ever heard. Since then, I have been expressing so much more joy and delight, like that of a child, and I hope in my heart to continue in this way of expressing. I love you deeply. You are always and forever in my heart. .. Until we meet again.. 🎶♥️🌹🌺 Joanne
Oh Joanna…you are such beauty. Dear sister you are so bright and completely indestructible. I love you. We are here for each other…for through each one of us we are whole.
Beloved Almine, what I feel for you is truly indescribable and I enjoy so much when we have mini-retreats in the soul world. My eternal love, praise, gratitude. In surrendered trust I am, thanks to your presence, courage and efforts to look for us and guide us home 🖤🥀
Dear Joanna, I posted my comment under yours, but I didn’t intend to do so.
But… I would like to express that your words truly touched my heart… Thank you for sharing this. You are indeed unimaginably strong and beautiful. Much love 🖤🥀
🎼 🎶 🎶 🎵 🎼 💕
❤ ❤ ❤
…so, so beautiful ❤ and thank you so much for sharing this message, dear Joanne ❤❤
Pure tear streams of this beautiful hymn Joanne and Almine. 🎼
Thank you so much for sharing this precious message dear Joanne. You are indeed luminous and indescribably beautiful ❤ I love you too, as the other sisters say.
Dear Joanne: thanks for sharing your amazing, personal story!
Nice comments from others also, of course. So now I’m wondering if I’m the only one who wondered if Almine is implying something to us by specifically choosing the song “Time to Say Goodbye”? I certainly hope not.
Thank you, beloved, for hearing us when we speak to you. All my love.
Than you for this most precious message. Thank you for your work and teachings that has led me home to myself and to trust myself – two of the greatest gifts. I love and treasure your presence in my life.
Thank you for everything Beloved Almine. You are in my heart.
I love you Always
Dear Almine,
We all miss you and hope that you will come back in a near future to keep going with the teachings. I feel that you still have tons of information and tools you want to share with us to walk this journey with you. In fact, your seclusion allows me to catch up lots years of your precious works. From 1997 the year you appeared in public to 2013/2014 the year I joined you, this gap needs to be filled. Some times, I realize that lots of questions I may ask you; the answers already lie in the books, webinars, teachings, and so.
From your retreat, I know that you still watch us, you still visit us; and you still assist us. Even though we haven’t met physically yet, but you already visited me twice in dreams; the first time was a few weeks/months after you came back from your six months coma in 2015; and the last one was a few weeks after you announced your retreat from teachings from public appearance during your last ” Awakening from the Dream’s webinar” in June 2019. I was very pleased with that and I have been thankful to you.
I am walking this journey you faithfully
I love you so much !!
Thank you Almine! You are in my heart. As you are love you are loved 10,000 fold. Wishing you peace and joy! 💜🌺💜🌺💜
Dear Almine, I have always been very greatful and joyus to attend and be in your presance.
The music, is also beautiful, it’s the second time this week I have heard this from this music. Why Goodbye?
My love eternally
I love you Almine and this is the most beautiful message to read first in the morning. Thank you
I love you, Almine