The organ of the heart has falsely formed
From the false feminine has it been born
A quality of the body as a field, nothing more
Release now its tyranny of life and death it had before.
We tell now a secret the High Hamagda holds:
It is a false masculine, the triad of linear change enfolds
The false masculine and false feminine have governed life
Creating opposition between poles, conflict and strife
But bring now the balance to these illusions of old
For knowing why they are there, they can then go
From the heart Transfiguration comes,
And also the tube torus† that enfolds everyone
The area a hand-width below the navel's seat,
Is also the place where alchemy sleeps
Transmutation comes from there, and from the hypothalamus Transformation comes to all of us
When we understand these, that the false masculine comprises
The true masculine shall once again rise
Transformation governs with a mathematical sequence all life† Transmutation's tool is from an alchemical sequence comprised.
From these two, life spirals and outwards it moves
Transfiguration arcs it into a toral tube
An incubation chamber for eons it's been
But now's the time to shatter the egg, you'll see
Then the false masculine shall be no more
The true masculine shall be restored
☆ The Hamagda ☆
†See The Book of Gods and Men.
†Fibonacci sequence. Alchemical sequence = 3, 7, 12, 20, 33, 54, 72, 96, 144, etc.
From The Lemurian Science of Compassion by the Seer Almine (2014). The third, unpublished, part of the trilogy.
stacey says
stacey says
Isabella Dancingheart says
❤ Thank you so much! really needed to hear this right now! Deep, deep gratitude ❤
Alex M says
So is this coming up I wonder…or is this happening now? Heaven knows its time! 🙂
Isabella Dancingheart says
Anna says
I love this! Thank you.