I have seen you misjudge the intentions of a few of your students before, and have often wondered why you can't see their ill-intent clearly?
The Seer:
And I have often wondered how you think you can see it? Here's why some intentions articulating as actions are more easily missed — even if one is looking for them, which I was not, because that was not part of the role I played in my relationship with my students.
Short term dysfunctional or duplicitous agendas, are not very hard to gauge. In fact, they're right in one's face. Most advanced beings like my students, don't play these short term games. Their life's gameplan (call it a self-designed destiny) is usually designed to accomplish what they aim to do, over a longer period of time; the scope of a lifetime.
Then there are very advanced beings, or beings that have non-corporeal allies, or beings that have access to black magic items or knowledge. Such a one has a self-designed destiny design (or gameplan with a specific purpose to accomplish) that spans multiple lifetimes. It can be accessed, but knowing whether that purpose is benevolent to others in their environment or not, is a very difficult and effort-consuming feat to accomplish. So how can you so blithely assume that anyone can easily know if someone's intentions are "good or bad"?
In September of 2009, I was absent for a month, because I had undertaken to trace the agenda of Jesus Christ, which I could only see if I studied it from before the birth of this universe even took place. His life's mission or agenda, was that large in scope.
I respond to what's my allotted daily portion of life unfolding to respond to, and nothing more. I cannot allow myself the folly of judging the origins and worth of others' actions. I am only responsible for my own.
I hope this answers your question.
Kelshall Burke says
Thank you for this precious Gem and these words of wisdom Almine. I too would love to hear more about Jeseus Christ. I read a book about Jesus detailing his ascension and resurrection via a channelor. It was very insightful and relatable as many of us are also going through the ascension process. I was astound at how much of his life and teachings were misinterpreted and manipulated to exploit our faith. I would love to hear your perspective and what you have found out. Much love to you Sister.
Alex M says
I've always kind of fantasized about Almine writing a huge book about our s and humanities true histories…*sigh* a Original One can dream 🙂
Seth says
This is what you are asking for….
Alexandra says
Thank you Seth. I had forgotten about this one. 🙂
Sue B says
This insight by Almine, to me, has extraordinary depth and shining brilliance. I am also reverently delighted for the insight into the Seers personal attitude..
Thank you for this peerless gem…
Lydia says
Your message is such a blessing. Thank you!
Lynette Ruest says
Thank you Seer Almine for showing the depth of your love and devotion and knowledge. Do you see it as a possibility to teach via webinar, a book, etc what you learned re: Jesus Christ? Jesus was very important to me for much of my life until I started to realize we do not need a saviour. I still hold him with love and respect in my heart and have often wished to know the truth (which I understand is multi-layered depending on which layer of time one is viewing) of his life on Earth. And now to I see that it was a much larger agenda or mission – wow – since before the birth of the Universe!
Irene L Tocimak says
yes, please share about Jesus Christ aka Christ Jesus. thank you.
Ailsa says
Thank you for this important message. It was such a relief to me when I first began to realize that I could put down the burdens of the world and focus only on what is allotted to me each day. ……. I am fascinated by what Almine has said about Jesus Christ. I would love to know more!!!!!!