My question concerns the following message you gave us regarding the subpersonalities of the ‘through’ axis:
Allowing ourself to look at life through the eyes of these subpersonalities; from their perspective, brings stability and poise to our eternal journey, as well as to the expression of the other subpersonalities. When we don’t allow these subpersonalities to speak through our lives, it creates irritability with ourself and others, and a feeling of inadequacy and insecurity.
What does poise mean exactly in the the way we’ve been using the word in your teachings? I found it first mentioned in your book A Life of Miracles?
The Seer:
As usual, there’s a short answer and a long answer.
The short answer:
Poise is the balanced expression of refinement and finesse that results in a stable, unperturbed response to life.
The long answer:
What is refinement? Refinement is an innate sensitivity to external stimuli. In other words: It is that which strokes the harp strings of your inner senses with sensitive fingers. It is an inner response to life.
When there is a disconnect between the inner refined response to life, and the external expression of that refinement, it creates a self-centered petty tyrant that lacks the ability to articulate their sensitivity in their environments.
Al Capone, the mobster, used to cry in response to opera, and then beat someone to death with a baseball bat.
You’re correct in assuming that the subpersonalities of the through axis play a key role in this disconnection. When they are not being expressed, the connection between inner refinement and outer finesse, breaks down.
What is Finesse?
Finesse is the outer expression of inner sensitivity. It is the origin of genuine good manners and consideration for others. It supports artistry and excellence in others and the self. It extends to creating a clean, organized and inspiring environment. In using sensitivity to be aware of how others may feel, it prevents self-centeredness, ungrateful complaining and criticism.
To summarize: when inner sensitivity expresses in how one expresses externally, it is a benefit to all and the foundation of stable relationships — it is the source of a poised existence.
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I cant think of no other than Almine in fully
expressing Refinement and Finesse!
Thank you for setting such a great example
for us!
My thoughts exactly, she is the epitomy of this and supreme example in my eyes!
This is such a fantastic answer, thank you so much!!
This is so beautiful, thank you!
Another set of answers with….uhumm…..drum role please….finesse!