What else can we do to restore the virility of nature? And why does man deliberately or inadvertently wipe out the wilderness of nature — the Amazon jungle being the most notable example?
The Seer:
When parts of life run unbridled and without knowing its place, they become a nuisance rather than a delight; a disturber of the peace rather than an inspiration and an added benefit in our lives. That is when the desire to tame becomes excessive as well.
Examples would be:
- When doting owners of pets, or parents of adorable children, let them run wild, when others are trying to socially interact or enjoy a well-deserved rest, they change from being a blessing to a hindrance. It is inconsiderate and inadvisable to disrespect the needs of others just because the owner or parent thinks they’re adorable.
- A plant becomes a weed when it overruns and dominates the garden, leaving no space or nutrients to sustain other plants of choice.
- One of the ways in which people who are “energy vampires” drain the energy of others, is to behave in a wild and unpredictable way that keeps others in a tense state, not knowing what to expect from the wild one whose inappropriate and untamed behavior (which they inaccurately call “authenticity”) keeps them at the center of attention and everyone else on the edge of their seats.
The Cause and Effect of All Man’s Problems
After years of feeling very overwhelmed with the complexity of the imbalance man has created socially and environmentally, I struggled in vain to find a simple solution. But then, finally, I was ecstatic to find that I could trace the cause and effect of all man’s problems back to one original cause: the destruction of nature and the diminishing of the wild.
Having found the one primary cause, enables us to solve it globally by proxy; through self-government. The key can be found in the disciplined and considerate expression of the subpersonality of Wild Woman. (In men this subpersonality has manifested in various cultures as The Green Man.)
It is as destructive as overgrown weeds in the garden, to express the wild nature without consideration of consequences. It is because many have not realized that it is through discipline, that this subpersonality finds the freedom to express, that this aspect of the psyche has so often been vilified and subdued.
It is in bringing order to wildness, in creating designated space and time for expressing the wild woman archetype, that nature itself by proxy will be revitalized.
Recommended Sources of Inspiration
- The preface to the book Women Who Run with the Wolves, is a brilliant essay on Wild Woman.
- The documentary, Life on Earth, is extremely helpful and highly recommended.
Let’s dance in the moonlight, let’s sing to the dead, let’s have our clothes be part of our life as a living work of art — wearing what expresses and inspires us; not just the fashion spawned by the vision of others. You are the gods among men.
You can heal and restore and bring life to dead places. Let pools of wildflowers bloom in the deserts; let songbirds return to add their sound-healing voices to awaken the land. We can do this, my Precious Lightfamily. Dry the tears of neglected children by expressing your inner child. Let the wild animals of the forests and plains flourish through your glad expectations of the future. I love you, Almine.
From the Book of Spells
Peshvis belechvi hares tra uni
Birs bra Uvravespi ulech Pranabi
Kelsut manurim ura vespi tra haa
Elech vra Nutvi Klash uvrabaa
Nature withers when ambition is blind
When work and strife is all we find
The desire to revel must go hand in hand
Inner balance inevitably leads to restoring balance throughout the land
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Else says
Great question, vitalizing and hopeful anwser! Will give attention in expressing my passions in designated ‘spaces’, like the cloths I wear, and to seek more passionate interactions with encountering nature. I don’t do that enough while living in the city, but it is calling and it is time…!
Dhani says
How beautiful loving an expression. Thank you dearest Almine
Dhani says
OH yes! Saw a vivid example of this on the past weekend.
Tallulah Mae Bleu says
Thank you Beloved Almine for sharing this. So perfect as always.
Debbie says
Grateful for this sharing. Indeed in patience and trust an answer comes as you demonstrate in this message. It in turn inspires. Thank you xo
Dana says
I have this book on my nightstand and frequent it’s captivating pages. A gem.
Alexandra says
I’ve been saying quietly to myself, “Please please please something, somewhere has to give. A major answer. A major insight…SOMETHING! I am so grateful that something has been found. :). Thank you!
Joanne Harding says
Beautiful. I love you Almine
Shane says
Absolutely love this! Thank you so much Almine ❤
Lynette Ruest says
This speaks to me in many ways – answering questions as well. I love the Wild Woman FA oil but didn’t wear it often as the way I felt and what I saw felt out of control and now I know why – I have the missing piece of insight to balance feeling out of control. Also I feel that Disciplined Divinity is part of this revelation from Almine. Thank you for the question as well!