I am having the most interesting experiences lately that I hope you can explain. Many times during the day, I do not know where I am or how to proceed. Not only to humans can I not relate, but to the environment as well. I feel entirely misplaced and my own body feels foreign. It is a bit disconcerting.
Yet a Graceful Breath seems to move me and reveal each step to take which unfolds in perfect timing and automatic action prior to the thinking mind. In fact there seems to be no mind at all directing my life. I cannot discern inner or outer space any longer. There is no division…
The Seer:
For several months now, I’ve been in a different reality than everyone else. (I’ve long since given up trying to name or identify the layers of evolution we’re moving through.) That’s why I’m having such a hard time understanding others and being understood. You moved into the same reality I’m in, from the description of your experience you’re giving. I’m still feeling like I’m in a strange dream wherever I am.
Very interesting and extremely helpful post. Thank you
I’ve been living in that state for a while now. Fear or my mind manged to take me off couple of times, the third time he is surrondered too. what seems to concern me was my inability to keep up with any plan or program if I manage to plan anything, yet I function very well taking care of what needs to be done or it is in front of me moment to moment. When it comes to the environment and people I seem to have no feeling/ no thinking just participating and do my part. At times for no reason deep sadness and discomfort keeps me away from the world. Although it maybe an hour or two but it is extremely deep, like Mother leaving physicality, I found myself disoriented with a sense of lost and completion of some sort at the same time. I ask myself what is the next step? Do I stay .. do I go somewhere to live a simple wholesome life a way yet connected to the physical world.
Thank You so much for sharing this. I am finding any slight deviatiin or resistance to this Interpretative Dance elicits exaggerated stress and confusion. Going from a deep inner peace and contentment to an emotional mess when the ‘horses of my mind’ have free reign! Certainly interesting times. As usual 😄
So interesting, I was just contemplating last night a new layer of this that is beginning to occur as of the last week or two… yesterday evening I managed to set up an extremely complicated tech system with many different steps and programs involved all of which need to communicate with each other seamlessly in the space of about an hour. Part-way through it I paused in awe and realised I had no idea what I was doing, I hadn’t researched any of this, had no idea how any of it worked in terms of cognitive understanding, and yet somehow it was happening through my hands automatically completely outside the influence of the thinking mind! For a split second I almost panicked and tried to think my way through it in case I was totally delusional and just in some half asleep state, but no, this was really happening… it’s definitely new and was a bit of a shock! Witnessing this has put me in an even more altered stated today.
This is utterly fascinating. It’s like more and more OO’s are beginning to live from dematerialized mind.
It seems that way dear Sarah yes, incredibly exciting for all of us! Very challenging times, but with rewards in equal measure.
Blessings of grace to you, Dear Almine, and to everyone else that may be experiencing such changes. May your lives be filled with everpresent clarity, peace, grace, and strength.
Much love ♥️
Thank you so much for sharing, explains so much, I’m experiencing this too… ❤ Deep gratitude and so much love!
Blessings and Light Beautiful Almine 🙏🌅❤️
Oh too funny…..not ha ha but hmm…hmmm…. Yes, I am experiencing bouts of it….
But, I am still able to function, albeit in a very cellular way that’s very different for me. No mind at all sometimes. I do things and then the mind catches up at some point later or not.