Recently, huge structures and remnants of cities have been found that indicates that in the very far distant past (this has pushed our idea of history even further back in time) extremely advanced civilizations were spread all over the Earth. There are even indications of nuclear explosions. What would wipe out such advanced civilizations, but leave their structures intact for us to find? I also wonder what the significance is of finding them now?
The Seer:
There have been two main reasons why thriving civilizations, such as the Aztecs or Mayans or Inca — to name a few comparatively recent ones — have been wiped out. Firstly, drought or contamination of water sources. Secondly, rampant viruses against which there was no immunity. The more advanced a civilization was, the more interaction through travel or trade of goods was possible, spreading a virus from place to place. Every hundred year period, sees at least two global viral outbreaks.
The Spanish Flu in the early 1900s (1918-1920) is a pandemic that claimed at least 50 million lives — my grandmother being one of them. The current virus is the second viral pandemic within the last hundred years. One significant message of these archeological findings, is that imbalanced lives disrupt weather patterns, and consequently water and food supplies. Another message is that succumbing to the gross materialism of a prosperous society, separates the soul from the body and leaves people vulnerable to viral invasion.
Is that the reason why your latest book, Coming Home to Yourself, stresses infusing soul into everyday life? It’s the most lyrical work that you’ve produced yet. Does living the principles in this book increase our imperviousness to disease?
The Seer:
That’s the reason why the book was written, but also to restore wholesomeness as a way of life for the gods. Its further aim was to encourage self-reliance, rather than dependency on the systems of man.
The Mayan, Aztec and Inca people still exist in Mexico and South America. If you are referring to their ancient civilizations as being gone ..that is true.
Thank you beloved Mother and Rogier, that is so interesting! I am releasing all my hidden martyrdom for the. human. matrix–
Yes, we’ve been going through the Plagues of the past scenario at our workplace recently.
“Another message is that succumbing to the gross materialism of a prosperous society, separates the soul from the body and leaves people vulnerable to viral invasion.” – So, could one say that this is the major insight as to why this situation occurred? I am so grateful you all are here on this planet!.
I have also been picking up on Ancient civilisations..
For me it is Siberia for some reason… I have just received a song whilst laying watching the clods and overlooking the ocean and my bed the grassy Comfort my orchestra the ocean waves, wind and grass, and the bees
My deepest gratitude
Beloved Almine and Rogier
This is insightful. For years I’ve assumed that the separate vehicles of body, soul, and spirit had to be forced together the way the “strong force” keeps together the protons in atoms. However, now I’m realizing that these vehicles are one and inseparable at the core, and it’s merely a matter of removing all that which keeps them behaving as separate and divisible and from functioning as one.
Oh wow! … Thank you so much, beloved Almine and Rogier. ….. I have been preparing myself to do BVP Aravespi Stra -Unat (For the removal of the 144 illusions that cause grief). I hope that it will help me to bring balance int my life.