Toltec Seers teach that the phenomenon of entropy (the decay of progress gained when new additional energy is not generated) originates in the sun. Continue reading →
Merkaba Defense Against Solar Flares & Meteors
Keeping the Merkaba activated, by doing it once every 24 hours, is an essential defense against solar flares and meteors. Continue reading →
Do Not Resist the Heat
Because we strengthen what we oppose, do not resist the heat, but imagine your body made of light and allow the heat to pass right through you. Continue reading →
How to Prevent a Government-Engineered Digital Blackout
“Government-engineered” issues result from separate lessons waiting to be learnt. Continue reading →
Bringing Balance Back to Genders (Hybrid Solar Eclipse)
What does a solar eclipse mean? And in particular, what does the hybrid eclipse that’s happening today signify? Continue reading →
Don’t Be Afraid of the Future
Please don’t be afraid of the future, my precious Lightfamily — you are the Ones creating it. Continue reading →