And nature became a little more resilient in overcoming damage inflicted on it by the various species. Continue reading →
Inner Child
Everyone Had to Do Their Part
The present generation and the one before this, do not understand how hard the Great Depression generation had to work just to get by. Continue reading →
The Love of Playfulness
To lose the love of playfulness is to lose the love of life, since each is stimulated by the other. Continue reading →
A Piece of Yourself That’s Five Years Old
It is vitally important that you make sure that that Inner Child piece of yourself, is supported, loved and protected. Continue reading →
The Magnificent and Unique Song of Your Heart
To live for the approval of others is to bind ourselves to mediocrity. Continue reading →
The 24 Tones of Contentment in Expression
By accentuating these tones, we accentuate the perfection underlying the appearances. Continue reading →