The true nature of the universe (as it is with all of Creation) consists of wholeness through integration of opposites Continue reading →
The Difference Between High and Low Consciousness
Whenever the expression of two opposite poles is integrated, energy that had been tied up in sustaining the illusion of opposites, becomes available to the individual. Continue reading →
Realities Have Split
When I was asked about its appearance in powersigils, I replied: it’s a new language for a new reality. Continue reading →
Why Male DNA Programming Has Become Flawed
The male role models that shape how men behave, are themselves dysfunctional. The old programs of how men should behave have been carried over from many previous generations. Continue reading →
Presbyopia & Inner Space
This is also the reason why spiritual masters, at a time of seeking to explore inner space, become very reclusive and withdraw from outer activity. Continue reading →
A Rose By Any Other Name
‘A rose by any other name would smell as sweet’, is a popular adage from William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet. Continue reading →