The color function and tone of the 10th Field of Existence, whence these sigils are sourced, express a direct relationship between accessing the Holy Sanctuary within and the ability to shield against viruses.
The Seer Almine
The Greatest Gift of the Gods
It is the mission of the Original Ones to ameliorate consequences; to offer blessings; to lessen severe consequences. It is not their prerogative to alter the future and interfere with the unfolding destiny of humanity.
The Unshakeable Conviction
To remove your focus from the pain and deprivation of the multitudes does not stem from callous disregard, but from the unshakeable conviction that you shape your reality by what you focus on. ~Almine
Global Angel Magic Healing (Today)
At the suggestion of one of the Gods, I am inviting Belvaspata masters from around the world to join us at 5pm, Irish time tomorrow, Sunday, to do a full Kaanish bvp session, with all 5 levels, embodying all the wheels.
A Firm Foundation of Faith
Thank you for your love and support, my Beloved Lightfamily. May your eternal journey be filled with grace, and built on a firm foundation of faith in yourself. In gratitude, Almine
Be Still and Know That You Are Gods
Please advise how to respond to the nightmarish situation of the virus outbreak around us. Is preparedness an act of faithlessness?