"Make it happen with more grace and less trauma."
The Seer Almine
Why did the Original Ones allow this to happen?
The Seer:
To use the Toltec vernacular:
"When you put in a bid for power, you are tested to see if you can live its higher truth."
In other words:
You want the benefits of living like a god? Then prove the worthiness of your convictions in the face of adversity. We knew this day would come when our faith in all we've learnt would be tested. To reach for godhood is a lofty goal and not one that is within reach of the weak-minded. So, embrace your testing, be considerate of those you share a household with, and cooperate with life unfolding when needed.
What do you mean with "cooperate with life unfolding when needed"? How must we know when we shouldn't change something and when we should?
The Seer:
I am grateful for the question. It touches on something I believe I didn't properly make clear.
The purpose of the Original Ones' presence here on Earth during these times of massive destructuring (what is and what is yet to come) is not to oppose the way life unfolds, but to ameliorate it; to make it happen with more grace and less trauma.
You fulfill this task by living in humble reverence and in majestic confidence. You analyze what in your life the situation represents and improve it within yourself. That is your only focus. Through authentic and fearless living, your presence will either change the future or it will unfold with more grace and present humankind with yet another learning opportunity.
Kai says
Thank you
Rogier for your purity and clarity to get these posts our
I am
So glad for this as I have been
reflecting what in my life is part of this unfolding
sujata sengupta says
Thank you Almine – I am standing as tall as i can as my unfoldment continues. Much love to you.
Brett says
I've seen grace. The children of the neighborhood are all playing outside together like I did when I was a kid. People are grounding out and it seems there's a lot less tension even amidst the closings and such. I saw dogwalkers today and was like it's probably an excellent opportunity and extra walks for them. People are cheerful. I hope for relief.
Dhani says
Yes, this is exactly what the Runes have been telling me too. To cooperate with unfolding life around me. It is taking a great deal of patience but, also as I look inward to change within myself, it quickly changes on the outer plane. So all I'm actually doing is looking within myself always. When something is amiss on the outer plane or someone is behaving odd or crazy as it may seem. I look on the inner plane to see 1) what this person's behavious is telling me about myself / my behaviour 2) what is the significance ( is my inner child acting needy and why). As soon as I recognize the information from my Inner Space/Greater self, everything changes on the outer plane.
Jana Cimermanova says
I am so very grateful for this post, because it challenged me explore what is a weak-mind. Weak mind is the mind that does not learn to contract by humbly accepting the learning opportunities but instead is expanded by the expectations of what is coming up next.
christel says
may we all be guided to do Best!
Katherine Toy Miller says
I keep thinking of this from Almine: "On Wednesday, the 22nd of January, a massive cosmic shift in consciousness took place. . . . I watched the future change politically and environmentally for the better. The entire cosmos has transitioned to a higher level of expression." With the shutting down of everything, there are many news stories about the environment having a chance to recover. It seems to me there have not been the traumatic weather and planetary events like fires, volcano eruptions, and earthquakes that we were having constantly. Maybe the earth is happier now that there is not so much polluting activity. Also, it is possible that this is exposing some of the underlying political problems that brought this about–if it doesn't make them worse by shifting the government, financial, and power structure. Finally, instead of letting the virus kill the elderly, the world is in lockdown over the relatively few deaths there have been. It seems people actually care about the loss of life. This latest message has helped me put all this in perspective and feel confidence rather than fear. Thank you to Almine, Rogier, and all the Original Ones. There have been many interesting and helpful posts about what the lessons could be.
Sarah Murray says
(We knew) this day would come when our faith in all we've learnt would be tested. These words strengthen my faith and confidence Almine!
Yemana says
I am so greatful for all your support on the journey to our own sovereignty and beauty , you almine …and the whole beautiful community ❤️❤️❤️
Kelly Wilmeth says
Thank you Almine. I am standing like a mountain in the eye of the storm.
Mo says
Thank you Seer 🙏, Should Humanity learn the lessons of how to treat the planet and eachother .
Love you all
Denise says
I think the "learning" is on multiple levels…
Joanne Harding says
Almine, you have taught us well. I believe that we are the Gods and the masters of life and death and we stand firm in the face of illusion!
We shall prevail and illusion shall melt with the mists of the dawn! We love you xx
Holly says
Many blessing, thank you.