I just saw guesstimate of a hundred Robin birds in a children’s school baseball field! Wow an incredible sight! What does it mean?
The Seer:
It means, ‘get very busy learning something’ and the insight is the following:
A few of you have reached immortality by embracing life. But my goal is to minimize the challenges for those who haven’t as yet manage to get there. The realization the Robin birds are indicating, that should be learnt to survive the massive exodus of souls long enough so that you can learn to embrace the moments and achieve immortality, is that:
- All civilizations and nations have lifecycles in which they rise and fall — the harmful and the harmless ones.
- The key to avoid becoming part of your nation’s eventual and inevitable demise, is to disengage from the personal identity of belonging to any nation; to give your loyalty to the Infinite Presence that animates all beings.
The unusual behavior of a Robin indicates to get busy with something.
Dhani says
I was wondering about just exactly this…..Thank you for this very clear insight!
Sherri says
This has happened to me twice recently as well.
Christina says
This is very interesting! A friend recently sent me a video of hundreds of grackles filling a part of a residential street apparently in Mexico. Then the next day I found an Inca dove in one of the bedrooms and two days later a house Sparrow flew into the living room where I was sitting. Then disappeared. I couldn’t find it. These two are wonderful symbols to have. Except the grackles may be giving a more urgent message. The Robins message is quite foretelling of human life and choices to make. Interestingly, I have been feeling to learn something new. Thanks for this post! ❤️🙏
Lynette Ruest says
Yesterday a robin landed about 5 ft away from in the yard and just stayed there pecking at the ground and looking at me for about 5 minutes. Then flew up to the low wall and just looked at me for a while. I looked up robin in DD but so appreciate this meaning from Beloved Almine.
Marina says
Just yesterday I felt how I missed watching robins in my life. Thank you for watching them for us )))) thank you Beloved Almine for this deep insight. Thank you Rogier for questioning and bringing answers always in time ❤️❤️❤️