The Seer:
It is my custom to prepare a Christmas gift for my global Lightfamily for the year-end holidays. I have been creating your gift since August and completed it a few weeks ago.
Here is what it is:
I have created a Bridge of No Space between each one of you and myself for me to be able to hear and assist you when you call for my help. If you have surgery and you ask, I’ll be right there (my dream body, or soul body) to support and comfort you. If you’re in an emergency, I will help you, if you ask me to. If you’re in need, I will send blessings of supply. Approach the bridge with faith and I’ll meet you there.
Seers Note:
Even though the bridge between us was only partially completed by September, it already enabled me to hear you and see your face when you telepathically spoke to me. I love you and I am so happy that I have found a way to support you.
Update (Dec. 31, 2024)
My Precious family,
Your responses to my gift of the Bridge of No Space made tears flow freely. I love you deeply and I am so grateful for you.
The Seer
Some Testimonies
Help Required in an Emergency
“I was one of the few survivors of a boating accident and while I was trying to survive I could feel the Seer’s presence there with me. I believe it was that that saved me.”
A Sister’s Response on Behalf of a Friend I Had Asked Her to Convey My Blessings To
“You are amazing! She must have been calling upon you as she has been feeling very weak since the surgery and of course you heard her. I will pass your message on to her, it will make her day. “
The Seer’s Presence Is Sometimes Known by a Delicate Fragrance
“Beloved Holy Mother, Upon receiving the personal Powersigil you created for me I was enveloped with in a delicate floral fragrance. My deepest gratitude for your multi-layered blessings.”
Requested Assistance for a Gallbladder Surgery
“The sister said the moment she walked into the operating theatre, she felt your presence. The room was illuminated and she felt she was in a beauty parlor not an operating room. It was relaxing and peaceful. Thank you for the beautiful miracles your bring into everyone’s life.”
She is not only a Seer but a Hearer too! Upon numerous occasions, almost daily, I speak to Her and within but a moment She will contact me. It is beyond coincidence, a mysterious and Blessed Reality. Another example: Recently, I had informed Her that I had sent Her a certain gift and She let me know that She had just then been wishing that She had that very item. Also recently, in the dreamtime, She and I had been ordering a certain item for Her household. I told Her about the dream and asked Her if She needed the item we had been discussing. She said She had just been thinking of this item in the very same color we had discussed in the dream! These are but a few examples of The Magical Communications and Synchronicities we have with The Seer!
A Note From the Seer’s Support Team
The gift that was given by the Seer last Christmas, was a powersigil of protection. We have had positive feedback ( especially from those who fight in wars) of its efficacy. It is suggested that this powersigil should ideally be in the homes and cars of our Lightfamily, to be used in conjunction with the daily Light Explosion protocol.
Michelle says
Thank you, Dear Almine for this gift. I can feel you deeply, and so appreciate your love.
Maria says
That is sooo incredibly kind and considerate of you beloved Almine. From the depths of my heart ❤️ Thank you. Wishing you and your family a beautiful holiday season.XXX
André Blok says
Almine ,Thanks for this Gift beyond Words , infinite Gratitude Allways
I have already experienced the workings
of this gift…..
Mary A says
Thank you beloved Almine for this tremendous gift. I recently experienced a miraculous change after calling to you. I thank you from the depths of my being!
Malue Wittusrose says
Wow, this is absolutely incredible! Thank you sooo much beloved Almine ❤️️❤️️❤️️
With deepest gratitude and so much love,
Zen Williams says
Thank You Almine Wow I am so very grateful to You, I feel very humble and cant seem to express how privileged I feel for recieving this amazing gift from You. My love , respect and gratitude to You always 🙂
marli says
Thank You deeply Almine for
such a precious loving gift.
Its priceless to know that we
are never alone! Your comforting
and helpful presence will always
be available to us!
DeniseL says
I’m eternally grateful. Whenever I called on you in the past, you always appeared in my dreams. Always appreciate your presence and blessings. My devoted eternal love to you.
Ton says
Beloved Almine,
Thank you for this precious gift. I will always cherish it and use it when necessary.
I am hoping that there in time will be also a bridge created between us Light family members. That would be an amazing thing assisting each other.
Love and hugs, Ton
Holly Stockwell says
A gift beyond comprehension. Thank you, beloved Seer. Whenever I have contracted into fear for myself, or another, I call to you and you always are there. With humble gratitude and ever lasting devotion, thank you.
Ksenia says
Thank you for this most precious gift ever! I can feel you, Beautiful One true Love. I love you. ♥️ My heart is full. Thank you for a beautiful day.
IreneT says
There are no words to convey this beautiful gift. Thank you, Almine. Until we meet on the Bridge.
Sunny says
Such Grace within this Holy One Life. Beloved of our hearts, we love you and sing your praise forever.
cec says
The most precious gift I have ever received. Thank you Holy Mother!
Anna says
I love you so very much and am so grateful beyond words to feel your loving support and presence, I do feel your unbelievable love and care for me.
I love you with all my heart.
Thank you.
Forever and ever.
Jane McCarthy says
dear Almine, thank you; love, praise, gratitude, and trust.
Dhani says
Such an incredible feet – to form this sort of of Bridge of No Space to each of us! However did you manage it!!
Dhani says
Yes, this has been my experience as well. Clearly seeing and feeling Almine’s touch upon my heart. A most holy encounter. So wonderful.
Ali Amma Joy Clarkeson says
Beloved Almine, I always seek your presence when I feel the call to love more deeply and freely. I learn to love through you. And now we are gifted with a bridge of no time. My heart feels the corridor . Reverent appreciation for you and all that you cherish that teaches me to cherish.
Christmas Blessings to All
natalie n says
MY beloved Almine
Tears run down my face I cannot express in words my eternal gratitude for all you do.
Thank you for being in me.
Love natalie
Jannie says
This is the most beautiful Christmas gift I ever received 🌟
Thank you Almine for all that you are, you are the brightest candle on my spiritual path ❤️🕯❤️
Peggy Peters says
My Precious Love, Almine,
Thank you for this sacred gift.
How comforting to know that you are always with me — while we laugh with joy or when I just want to feel your presence in my heart.
A bridge from my heart to yours.
Paola Di Francesco says
Thank you Beloved Mother. In my soitude your Presence cancels the feelings of loneliness and my heart melts with love and gratitude. My neighbour brought me some food, so both my body and my soul are nourished! What a divine privilege!
Anna says
🤍🤍🤍 I love you Paola💫
Annita says
The most beautiful present ever to be connected through the bridge of no space with beloved Almine.
In deep gratitude I feel very blessed. Love you Almine ♥️
Richard P (RJ) says
Oh Gosh! Wow! The Best! Who could ask for more? The Best!!!
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Almine! Almine! Almine!
I love you! I love you! I love you!
You! You! You!
Denise says
Beloved Almine I am grateful with all my heart for this sacred gift, and for the blessing of your presence…..thank you for the miracles and love that share with All. Thank you for everything🥰🥰🥰
I love you
Vanessa says
Dear Beloved Almine,
I have tears reading this…
I am sooo Happy they are tears of Happiness and joy, your love knows no bounds .
You know I heard a neighbours daughter scream in delight at her Christmas presents as its Christmas morning and I am reading this message…
That is how I feel reading this
I love you Beloved Holy Mother and I am so very very very Greatful and humbled.
I have been aware these last few weeks it seems, but mainly in the last two nights I am hearing communications some feel negative … I wondered if it was my telepathy had become stronger or clairaudiance .
Vanessa Power says
Apologies, I meant as I am just waking up from dream time into morning, I hear it..
Corrien says
Beloved Seer Almine.
Gratitude for this big present . In my Ps you have spoken about it ,and now for ,the highest good,a bridge of no space,for everone.
Thank you dear mother,to be on earth and in our heartspace.
With love Corrien.
Ailsa Mclean says
Dearest beloved Almine…. My heart is overflowing with gratitude and love.
Lynette Ruest says
Such a profound gift, Beloved Mother Almine. Thank you for all the gifts you have bestowed upon me and all who call upon You. Thank you for Your Presence upon the Earth, supporting us every step of our journey.
Masumbe steve Milingita says
Thank you so very much beloved Mother Almine. 🙏🏽❤️ LPGTH
Ginette says
Dearest Seer and Infinite Mother
There are no words to express the depths of my Gratitude and Joy upon receiving Your Words. I have noticed more synchronicities in the timing of receiving Answers these past months and have known You were listening.
Never alone..Al-ways al-one
I Love You ❤️
Eugene Frizen says
Thank you for being with us.
Anita says
Thank you and Bless You for this wonderfully special gift for the Light family Dear Almine! Love, Praise and Gratitude! Much Love, Anita XXX 😁🌹🏴🇬🇧
Norman says
Dearest Almine:
What a gift … thank you for your presence in our lives
Love always
Tallulah says
Dearest, Beloved Almine. You have always come when I have called to you and at times when I haven’t called but required your assistance.
You have always illuminated what was needed and helped me cross thresholds into higher realities.
Words can never express how dear your eternal love and support is to me.
I love you with all my being.
Thank you.
Laurie says
This is just amazing! There could not be a better Christmas gift! All my humble gratitude to our Beloved Seer and Holy Mother for her generosity. I’m overwhelmed by the power and magic of it all.
Kathleen Frances says
What a Miraculous Gift you’re giving us,
Beloved Mother Almine💝✨
Thank you with all my heart🥰
Alex says
I called for your protection at 4am this morning. I had a very strange dream that felt very invasive. Fearing that someone or something was trying to attach itself to me I had asked for your protection. I was told to explode a bright white light and I said “I deeply and completely love and except myself” over and over. The Infinite protects me. Thank you.
sueb says
What a Sacred and priceless Blessing. 🙏 LPGTH
Gio says
It really feels indeed its real love you almine