The Lemurians had much respect for their role as part of nature and for the Earth as a sentient being. They had sent pairs of missionaries to countries around the globe (the missionaries were known as Nakaal — or Nagas, and they built mystery schools open to all — called Kaldi, which means ‘walls’, that included libraries, to teach Lemurian cosmology and spirituality) to raise consciousness in an attempt to avoid planetary cataclysms.
The Seer
When we recently requested feedback on the Seer’s new revelations, it was overwhelmingly positive, though one lamented that $20 is a lot of money for “just a few pages”. But to say that, is to not really grasp what this is — which is the empowering of the infrastructure that anchors new light on our planet. (To quantify this as “just a few pages” is like insisting the true value of a $100 bill is the price of its paper and ink.) Such is the mandate of the School of the Gods – the Nakaal – and the alternative is to get nothing.
In the alternate scenario, the Seer works and writes in private (in which case we have to wait until 2026 for this) or – more likely – a new book does not emerge at all. Because you’re not just empowering, you’re also calling in. Without you, these new revelations might not even be accessed, because it’s the desire of our hearts that draws them forth.
But if you acknowledge the importance of raising planetary consciousness, then you can appreciate that the required infrastructure ideally represents a certain equilibrium and is powered by ‘fair trade’.
Fair Value
When we describe ORIGINAL ONES as the ‘next generation platform’ for the Seer’s teachings (i.e. succeeding SPIRITUAL JOURNEYS), this also refers to a new principle of organization in which she is both adequately supported, within her retreat from public life and is fairly compensated for any labor. As opposed to an infrastructure in which she not only shoulders the corporate burden and complexity, but also has to give disproportionality of herself to in order to make it all happen — which is what came before. (Those that have walked this path a long time, will recall how she used to “joke” she was paying people to read her books.)
With the advent of this platform we were hopeful that with it, we’d be able to correct this historically skewed giving/receiving ratio, and that doing so might represent a creative liberation for her. And this might just be happening.
Skin In the Game
Take, for example, the release of any new/upgraded ceremonial protocol that ORIGINAL ONES presents to you. Such a protocol doesn’t just fall in our laps, and it doesn’t just casually appear to her either. We actually commission the work from the Seer, because we find it crucial that her labor is compensated adequately — both in the physical and the etheric. (Note: the mystical, etheric work of walking between the worlds, usually constitutes more than half the total time.) And this is the main reason we publish the protocol separately from the event registration: to maximize our chances of recouping the production costs by the time the gathering is live.
(On a related note, this is why the monthly gathering attendance isn’t just given away either. You are given the option to financially contribute – which converts your time and energy – because the objective isn’t to get a maximum number of passive observers. Rather, when you are invested energetically in the production of such an event, with ‘skin in the game’, it energizes the alchemical cauldron that this represents.)
To illustrate, here’s a private update from the Seer about accessing the first 13 (of 27) Angelgods of the December ceremony:
“This took hours, because access to the angelic mysteries are heavily obscured and protected — it’s very hard to get any of their information. But this ceremony for the end of the year is at a whole new advanced level of mysticism and is the culmination of all the ceremonies that went before.“
You’re not paying for “just a few pages”; you’re crowdfunding cutting-edge metaphysics and mysticism for an exclusive club of highly specialized students of the mysteries. You’re enabling the infrastructure that anchors new light onto the planet. The monthly slow drip format promotes you going deep with the material, to really give it roots. And the alternative is to receive nothing at all.
So either accept the terms, or don’t (and don’t sign up), but don’t begrudgingly “accept” them. If the ask is too high, then just wait until the book is published in 2026, or modulate your membership by subscribing once every multiple months.
Dear Rogier: weeks after this original posting, I’m reading it for the first time… all in divine timing of course. Thanks for the clarity of perspective you shared… and to the many useful comment posted. Thanks for everyone’s service to the Infinite One Life.🙏❤️
I sense some frustration here Rogier, and really understand as I, too, encounter those few who want free or deeply discounted services from me. For me, this post is timely and is the best explanation of why we lightworkers should charge our worth.
Thank you
I think you should not worry about those people. Le em’ drop thike hot potatoes. They are like flotsam and jetsam. Just ignore it. Most people appreciate what you are doing. I remember when you were taking some classes to improve your technoligy skills about 15 years ago. You were a very apt student then. Your abilities have naturally continued. If you weren’t doing this, somebody else would have to, but they’d have to start over from scratch! Whoa!
Best ☺️
I am extremely grateful to Almine for bringing us these exciting new teachings. 🙏 I feel grateful and blessed to be part of the new Book Club. In reading the Scrolls of Elvuras presented in drip format, I feel deep peace emanating from the teachings. Developing deep roots is my sincere wish and is crucial. Thank you Team Almine for your work and dedication. Thank you for this clarifying post.
After so many years of following Almine’s teachings, I am still amazed at how much SHE offers at such a low price. I feel confusion for those who complain as they have no real understanding of the High Mysticism teachings offered on the type of easy ´access platform. We don’t have to climb the Himalayas to access these teachings, we just have to have hi speed internet and then click on a button + pay the monthly fee at such a low rate. So let’s get some perspective on this. Thank you Rogier for this well worded exposé.
Most grateful for these magnificent new revelations from the Seer.
I completely agree. We are blessed beyond words to have immediate access to such profound and sacred material.
Thank you Almime, Roger and the entire team. 🙏🏼💕
Thank you Rogier for this profound post. I appreciate your “putting it out there” as you have in this message. I also did not have the vision to see beyond the money for the book club but paid as I knew these chapters are very important. Thank for sharing this message of clarity – I can now see the value of the book club and support it with Gratitude.
Almine’s teachings are the greatest blessings in my life. I look forward to her information daily and continually practice her unprecedented guidance and love, sending gifts as I am able. Love Praise Gratitude❤️
This issue is getting to some key things that need to be altered in any “new light” infrastructure. It is the things that were not meant to be in the Original Design that we are needing to weed out. Work was not in it. Beings are meant to be–just for the joy of it. Intermediaries are not meant to be.
Giving and receiving are meant to be gone–as described in the Infinite’s Anger Message from the first Last Sunday Mass. The first imagining (the feminine, receptive) as well as the desire to give (masculine) are specifically described as illusions that did not work out. The Infinite wants to Express fully and has removed relationships so that It can.
It is saying extremely loudly to me that we need to go to It first to get our cues. It expresses, and we are that expression. The new infrastructure has to come from establishing this dynamic. The body of work Almine has produced is answered by the anger message when It says that “You have no life but for me.” The story has to go–it is filled with everything the Infinite wants gone.
The illusion the forgetfulness is based on is resolved by bringing forth the Authentic One Life. It Is NOT The One Expressing as the Many! Whatever Almine brings forth that can open what the oldest record expressed is the only thing that can get to the proper resolution of what the Infinite TRULY wants.
You would prefer nothing? Got it.
I am walking a very specific path about not repeating past patterns that no longer serve. It is making me have to dig really deep. <,
To finish with this thought. For me, I have unique circumstances about establishing a new reality. The runes tell me I should study the materials and the masses, but it seems to be so that I can hear the differences. For that reason, there is value, but is not sustainable to me as an ongoing method of living my highest-truth reality.
You’re coming home to yourself Marta, I am happy for you. Your epiphanies matter, the mysteries are strong within you, I rejoice for you.
Thank you, Edward! I appreciate your response very much!
As the almost full moon is rising, pale and glowing in a powdery blue sky, while the Sun is just about to set, I feel how fortunate the timing in our life is:
How fortunate that Almine, Divine Presence embodied, gathered us all in Her wake at this crucial time, sharing Her wisdom, visions and higher messages we wouldn’t be able to receive otherwise, and Her loving and timely guidance!
Like children who get to learn and grow, we learn to feel safe and trust that we are not lost but being found again, restored into the vision and the proper inner alignment.
May we, in every level of our being, have access to Her Presence, love and teaching.
May Almine be well and divinely blessed.
I am extremely grateful to have this privilege. I experience aloneness in the country & community where I live. These teachings are life force, water in the desert. Thank you. Thank you.