I usually feel great and inspired after our monthly online gatherings, but something feels out of balance, or off, today. Can you explain why?
The Seer:
There’s an electrical abnormality of some sort. It’s not directed at anyone specifically, it’s just that as a godbeing in the flesh, you’re more sensitive than most. It causes one to have poor balance and some mental confusion. It may have something to do with our having skipped to a different timeline yesterday.
I’ve asked the Angels what the answer is to your question and they have said the following:
“Belechsta hurstava Inesvi Sersatu”
For something new to occur, something old has to leave
Or to explain a bit clearer: for ages the desire for conflict has been a predominant frequency in the hearts of humanity. This has been necessary to fuel war and opposition as the main power source of physical life. This frequency has been dissolved so that passion, joy and inspiration can become the new driving force. Today is the “emptying out” / housecleaning day.
Was this war like frequency also dissolved within our particular cosmos??
Oh that is what this is! I thought it would be because of the timeline change, amongst other things. Thank you for this confirmation and to all who participated in making it happen. LPGSTH 💕🙏🌞
Thank you!
Yes, it feels very interesting. I am feeling the emptying out and feeling the lightness. My head is feeling quite empty…lol 😄. Taking good care while driving but everything is flowing smoothly otherwise.
Wow !!!
I wonder if we will notice changes in our environment re. Humanity and beloved Earth…
Will life for the animal kingdom also change hmm
This is so wonderful! 🩷🎊🌺