You had said that those of lower consciousness than oneself tend to lose their rational thought when exposed to a godbeing's presence for long. How can one tell if that's the case ?
The Seer:
This happens due to the bending of light.Light carries information. The exposed person's information gets scrambled.
Let's call the godbeing (living their Godhood) person A, and the exposed person of lower consciousness, person B.
The signs that person B is starting to lose rational mind (person B will be unaware that this is taking place):
- They become too uncoordinated to even do little mechanical tasks and therefore feel very overloaded.
- Person B starts to avoid the company of person A and may even start to dislike person A. The exposed person B, will become resentful.
- Their judgement becomes seriously impaired. And the miscommunication between A and B increases.
- Their actions may become more manic as they struggle to regain control over their life. The energy they leak leads to exhaustion.
- B has difficulty making decisions.
- Their short term memory becomes lost.
Other than the Embodiment of the Infinite, there is no one on Earth that is exempt from this experience, because there is always someone with higher consciousness than yourself. Someone that previously may have been able to cope in the presence of a person A, might yet suddenly succumb to the lack of rational mind due to self-pity or resentment, or jealousy, or other consciousness lowering emotions.
And how does person A feel?
The Seer:
Isolated, bewildered and confused.
Leilani King says
My husband seemed to be glitching for a while. He still has hand tremors, spills and drops things and he says I make him feel nervous but he doesn't know why. He's been avoiding me for a while. Such as always having something else to do. We don't fight or anything and he tells me he loves me but we hardly even talk anymore. I just keep doing my own thing but I do feel isolated and confused about what happened to us. I've been wondering about this for a few years. Now I am called to go do other things that are more fulfilling so we are splitting up.
AK says
I am especially recently very often feeling like person B (but not to the point of being completely manic, fortunately.)
Which means, I must be very blessed to be surrounded by higher consciousness beings all the time helping me transcend 😃
I definitely can use the help 🙏
Hunt says
Okay, the opposite happened to me today. Firstly, I had a very BAD driver tail gaiting me. It turns out we were headed to the same grocery store. They also left right after I did, and coming out from underground parking almost accelerated into the side of my car. I grew irritated and angry. The energy isn't great; a storm is coming – one fabricated by weather manipulation – and I ended up with an intense pressure in my forehead, VERY angry, and a need to "get out" of the town at all costs. It felt like my whole being was a pressure cooker and I was aggressive in my emotions and reactions. It was almost as if the energy of the entire town was in opposition, or me to it. All in all, I felt VERY out of control of myself…
Does anybody have any ideas as to WHAT that was all about? Thanks.
Jana says
Wow, there is such a deep learning from these revelations.
I am realizing that self-centeredness accepts only the positive aspect of oneself and pushing away the negative aspects oneself and judges them as good and bad. Where as self-sovereignty in relationship heals the illusion of good and bad.
Kathleen Frances says
This has taken place many times in my life and
due to my connection with you Beloved Almine,
I have managed to "move through" these situations. As you have said, "the only way out is through"🙏💖
Dhani says
Understood. All person B can do is Trust and Surrender to the process of advancing their consciousness and then it's okay. I have had this experience with my family members.
My parents live in the house with me and have become used to integrating the power shifts that I experience.
My sister, however, comes and goes as she lives separately. She has experienced these difficulties. It seems to take about 3 days for her body to make the shift to the new reality at our home each time she visits. I trust and surrender that her greater self is bringing her back home to keep up with the changes.
This should get easier as more of our God abilities come online.
Vanessa says
Meaning people around Me not liking Me etc
Vanessa says
Thankyou for this Almine .,
I feel I may have experienced this too in my own life and personal life.
I love you Almine and always will and continue to stand by you.
Much Love always