My Beloved Lightfamily,
A time will come when I will be stepping out of the mirrored world, but it is not yet. I deeply care about you and I’d like to guide and assist you as long as you value my guidance.
I have obviously not abandoned my Original Ones family, no matter what some might say, because I continue to share my revelations with you on a daily basis. To be able to do this, Rogier’s tireless work on your behalf has been essential — something I gratefully acknowledge.
I live what I teach and consequently I have nothing to say to the spurious claims that Rogier is acting on his own, and other diverse ludicrous accusations.
“A luminous being as vast as the cosmos, has nothing to defend.”
I give my love to you always,
Dearest Almine, I am deeply grateful to you for accepting me into your home and for your teachings and work. Your loving presence is with me always in my life and work. I know that you will be with us to teach and guide us after you shuffle off this mortal coil.
Almine, thank You for your guidance, assistance and Love. I am eternally grateful. I want to be wherever You are too. I love You🌹
Beloved Almine we are forever grateful for your presence and existance. Thank you for your dedication and impeccable display of a God on Earth. You are truly special. We love you for eternity.
My love for you is eternal and undaunted Beloved, Beautiful Diamond Rose. Forever to the glory of the Infinite we stand together.
I love you Rogier, thank you, you are a strong Brother, in character and intergrity.
My love for all that gather here to unveil the wonders of Life.
Never thought it would end and never believe it will ever end. The connection and the perfection is probably Infinite. The greatest gift ever received and receiving.
Dearest Beloved Mother,
I will always love, value and cherish you. Your presence and guidance is the most precious, holy and pure within all that dwells. I will forever and ever love you and be with you.
Dearest Rogier- your dedication and commitment is unwavering…you’re a zealous gatekeeper to keep Almines work in its purity and holy…and credited. You are also cherished, loved and valued. Your sincere devotion doesn’t go unrecognized. Thank you💙✨️
Dearest Beloved and dearest Rogier.
I continue to stand in dedication together.
I love you always and forever Beloved Almine.
And to my dear brother Rogier, always thank you for your impeccability.
I deeply appreciate you.
Thank You Almine You mean the world to me I’m so grateful that you’re staying around a bit longer And thank you too Rogier for relaying our Belved Almine’s messages to us. My deepest Love and Respect to you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
💚🙏💚 Almine and Rogier💗 🙏💓
I will always walk with you, Beloved Mother. You are my north star. Thank you, Rogier, for sharing what is meant to be shared with us. Much love
Thank you Beloved Mother for everything, Your love and guidance is valued beyond measure. Deep gratitude Rogier for all you do and your complete dedication to our beloved and light family over the years. I am grateful to you 🥰 Team Almine you are loved and appreciated. May we rise above the storm in oneness trusting the unseen perfection of the grand design.
Love, praise & Gratitude
Beyond grateful for all that you do to help us dearest Almine, Rogier and team.
💚 💚💚 Thank you for helping us remember who we are via your tireless work with unshakable divinity, grace and integrity
Beloved Almine, My sincere appreciation for you ever deepens with each moment. As I become my true self by using your tools of awareness, I hope one day to really feel you . I love you, cherish you, adore your courage and beautiful presence here and everywhere.
And a love note to Rogier …. You are a mighty warrior and I thank you for your most generous self.
love and gratitude
You are and always will be, the guiding light of my life. Deepest gratitude to Rogier for your unwavering dedication 💕
Dearest Almine, your teachings and insights changed my life. Much love for your perseverance! I am thankful everyday for you, the OO healer who led me to you. 💕 Thank you, for all the work you do.
Dearest Beloved Almine – your guidance is priceless to me! But now I know to value my own intuition that something is not right. We know you have never abandoned us. And I value Rogier’s loving and tireless work on our behalf and all who work with Rogier. I no longer listen to, watch, or read emails, as of Friday, from those that are making such baseless claims. Thank you again Almine for staying in the matrix all these years so that you may show us the way out. Such love is beyond words.
Thank you Almine for all you’ve done and still do for us.
Rogier has been a valuable bridge, connecting you to us. I can see in every post, every meeting or ceremony how much he works to keep this connection between us alive and uncorrupted … I thank him in my heart everyday for his good job and also for the opportunity we still have to hear from you through him this often.
There are no words to say to you how much you have help me grow and heal just that it is tremendous. I am so grateful to have found you and knowing it was meant to be. I am with you always Almine.🙏🏽❤️❤️
I love you Almine and always will !
I had a thought today and it was I would like to be where you are too
I have always valued your guidance and your sacred and holy teachings and presance in my life
I stand by you always
My deep Gratitude and Respect to Rogier for your tireless efforts
Much Love
My Love, Respect, Trust and Gratitude for you, my lovely Almine
Thank you, dear Almine for your continued love, and support. Thank you for being such a pure expression of everything you teach. My deep appreciation to Rogier, Ruth, and Marcella for all you do to support everyone.
I thank you, Almine, for the opportunity to study with you and be a member of your family. With love Eugene
That’s just beings looking for excuses for their own mind set Rogier. Never mind them. You take good care.
with love and appreciation,
Thank you, beloved Almine. Your guidance is the greatest of all treasures. I am so grateful that you are still with us. ….Rogier, I deeply appreciate all the effort you put in communicating the wonderful truths that Almine shares with us.
I love you Almine. I want to be wherever you are. Thank you Rogier for your dedicated service to our beloved Almine. Joanne 🌸🎶
I love you, Almine. My eternal gratitude forever and ever