This is the Seer’s upgrade of the protocol originally featured in (the original version of) Science of Alchemy. The Angelgods of the Sacred Essences is a special feature of this month’s lightfamily gathering on June 30. Get the protocol→
They can be sent directly to another location or used to create 48 Sacred Essences.
The Seer
To send, choose one, after contemplating its deeper meaning, that would best serve that which you want to bless with its potency.
Place the Powersource Wheel of the 48 Sacred Essences at the bottom. On top of that, place the equation (for which you will need the name of the angelgod sigil of that equation on a piece of paper in front of you so you can say it while looking at the sigil.) On top of the equation, place its corresponding Sacred Essence Tablet.
Then, place the equation’s Sacred Essence Wheel on top of the tablet and the Powersource Wheel. The 48 Sacred Essences Equations are used with their corresponding Sacred Essence Tablet and Sacred Essence Wheel.
If you want to prepare the sacred essence from the equation, a clear glass container of pure water would go on top of all that is mentioned in above.
Read the angelgod name of the equation after looking at its sigil. Call and instruct it to place the potency of the equation in the destination you have chosen (e.g., the glass container of water, a friend’s marriage or home, a child’s school classroom.)
Unlike Holy Waters and Holy Oils, equations of sacred essences can be sent directly into a body. In this way, the essences are unique. Do not stack the wheel directly on a client or yourself, but send it to them. This can be over a short or a long distance. If the individual is beyond your home, use a proxy such as a photo or drawing of him/her, or his/her name, written on a paper. Send it into the person, object or situation you have chosen, but add the words, “by proxy” as you tell the angelgod where to place the equation.
Incredible delights for us to enjoy. DEEP GRATITUDE!