When encountering the emptiness beyond form, should I let myself dissolve, be undone?
The Seer:
The way mystical beings, like angelical beings, manage to retain their self-awareness in spite of the pull of a black hole, is to dissolve their form and resume it after the black hole has pulled an entire reality and all its creatures through into a lower reality (the “stage play” of life unfolding, moves to a different “stage”). The formless angels would then follow the rest of life they reside over, to the lower reality and resume their individuated forms.
In my first experience of formlessness (or should I call it a void?) there was some light, but no matter. Does matter and light have to exist together?
The Seer:
There are several illusions that form depends on for us to experience individuated life. I have written about these in my books. The ‘void’ or ‘vacuum’ is one of them. When we experience formlessness, awareness particles are still there; their presence gives the impression of fullness, of presence. We interpret this as the presence of the Infinite. But the truth is, that although we associate awareness particles with the presence of the Infinite, the Infinite is so much more. The awareness particles, or light and frequency, are all still part of the reflection of the Infinite and not the actual Being we call the Infinite.
Seer’s Note:
Light is accessed information. The seeming sourceless light one encounters in the subtle realms we call ‘the field of potential’, can be considered as a storage place of accumulated self-knowledge from lifetimes of experience. It is One’s own light one encounters there.
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Dhani says
Interesting. Thank you for sharing.