From the Seer:
I’ve asked that this song be played in honor of all the innocent children of all nations that have died in the present day conflicts raging in the Middle East and in the Ukrainian / Russian conflict.
by Rogier 8 Comments
From the Seer:
I’ve asked that this song be played in honor of all the innocent children of all nations that have died in the present day conflicts raging in the Middle East and in the Ukrainian / Russian conflict.
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love an light
love an light
I was deeply touched when a darling little girl ran up to me Sunday and wrapped her arms around my waist at my book signing at Tamarack in West Virginia.
I’d walked away from my table to take a break when I heard a woman say, “Oh, Snowie the Squareman.” I looked up and smiled at the five-year-old girl who was standing beside the woman who’d read the title of my children’s book that was on display in the picture book section of the store.
“That’s my book,” I said. “It’s about a snowman who wants to stand out from the crowd. I’m the author.” The girl looked puzzled. “I wrote it,” I said. It was then that the girl ran around the display table to me and embraced me as if I’d done something magnificent. I felt completely appreciated in that moment, perhaps more than I ever had. I leaned down, hugging her in return and told her she was sweet. I asked her name. “Annabelle,” she said.
Her mother bought both my children’s books, the snowman one and “Brave Lion,” which is about a lion that mistakes a train for a snake and realizes that there isn’t anything to be afraid of after all.
As the girl skipped off, I stood wondering how many times I’d been afraid of snakes that whistle, how often I’d been afraid to be different and how I could express myself in such splendid innocence as she had.
I just wanted to share this with you all. Thanks for listening.
I enjoyed reading this, thank you Michele. It did also remind me of an experience, albeit in inner space, of some years ago.
Very sad.
Tears of Truth💧
Blessings of Love Beloved Almine🩵
We’re here this time with compassionate
hearts holding Sacred Space for change🙏
So sad, tears …..
Blessings to the dear innocents ( children) who lost their lives
What is happening with them in the soul realm ?
So gentle and beautiful… Touches me deeply. Thank you, beloved.