Does the dystopian timeline situation mean that this news (late last month) was voided? Or did it just not stick?
“Thank you for the Sacred Government work that you did yesterday, to avert the truly critical international situation that could have escalated into World War Three.”
The Seer:
This message applies to the possibility of nuclear war in the future. That’s only half the problem.
The further dystopian future refers to an AI-controlled, merciless government replacing human governments in America and most, if not all, planetary governments.
America is crumbling — assaulted from within and on all sides. But its fall will leave a huge power vacuum that the AI will take advantage of, unless we alter the future, the dream.
The Gift of Deep Sleep
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Sunday, April 28, at 9 AM Pacific
So the war in heaven is over?? The angels lost? There is a dark dense cloud floating up precluding the Christ grid around Earth. This cloud seems to come from our use of wireless devices but can be removed/dissolve with focusing on the grid and making it brighter. What do we do with this prophecy? Hoard water? Did a hole?
This is not that paradigm.
Oh wow! Hope our ceremony today has changed this outcome.
I’m just wondering how it works that when the OO’s shift reality into a different future, and I remember issues like these already having been adressed in the past, that somehow humans still manage to generate these types of futures (again)?
Thank you Almine and Rogier for this post. I am not surprised. Am sure of a solution.
Are there any insights about the eclipse that will go through America on April 8? There is also a comet involved. 💫
Thank you. 🌷
This is also the date that CERN will start up their collider again. April 8…I too was wondering about the significance of these converging on the same date – no coincidences…
Thank you Almine for this message. I was born in America and now live in Nederlands. It does make me sad to see the news from America; I am encouraged to know that the future for America can be altered.