Is the complexity of our ceremonies proportional to its power and efficacy?
The Seer:
No, not how complex it is. It is just as complex as it needs to be for what it intends to accomplish. Its power depends on a few factors:
- How well the participant keeps the focus on the various steps of the ceremony (silencing disruptive and intrusive thoughts that could interfere with the focus)
- How powerful the source powerwheel is.
- How accurate the alchemy (alchemical equations) is
- How well the participants have understood and embraced the insights associated with the various components of the ceremony.
If the participant’s body is used as one of the components of the ceremony, then there are usually a succession of wheels moving through the body. But such wheels are in a very specific and interdependent order. For such a ceremony to be effective, the participant not only needs to understand each principle each respective wheel represents, but how each wheel’s principle relates to the wheel and its principle, that follows.
If these relationships are not properly understood, the wheels won’t move through the body. They will get stuck and cause unpleasant pressure (this will usually happen at areas of joints in the body). What to do if a wheel gets stuck: try deep breaths and envision the wheel moving upwards and out the crown of the head while contemplating the relationship between the ‘stuck’ wheel’s principle and the one before it.