A Sneak Peek of a Family Memo the Seer Wrote for Her Immediate Family Members:
Regarding the event that took place in our home yesterday:
We just had the most bizarre experience: Jaylene is adamantly remembering the time period between 8.00 and 9.00 AM completely differently than the way the rest of our family remembers it. The weird splitting of realities is the result of the experiments done at the CERN facility, in Switzerland.
Part One
My family, there’s a reason why the two different versions of reality (called the Mandela Effect) happened in our home yesterday: it’s a message not to just assume that what you think is real, is the absolute truth and that someone else’s version is wrong. That could make others (like coworkers and family members) really angry and argumentative. They could think you’re a “know-it-all” and you could become unnecessarily unpopular.
Part Two
After a previous explosion, they started over and have succeeded.* The large full-power use of the CERN device is scheduled for this coming summer.†
What the original ones can do to minimize the damage: some of the godbeings live with one foot in holiness and one foot in the vices of man. Self-examination of which aspects of your life are representative of your godhood and which are not, and then to live from a place of integrity, is essential.
Even those who talk the talk, do not necessarily walk the walk.‡ The Angelgods say the most pronounced vices among the “holy” ones are: the greed for money and sexual perversion as well as dishonesty.
Dear Rogier snd Almine
I have been observing this among humans this and last week.it was disconcerting to argue with humans about what the truth of was, literally right after i spoke the information was different, and i wasnt sure what happened .
I did not have a chance to look at it until today. Thanks… im feeling into it
These machines will blow up.
I have experienced the Mandela Effect in very frecuently to the point I felt like I was going crazy and I had to just accept it in order to be not so scared. Thanks for sharing this.
Hello Rogier I feel confused. I followed the links and by “The large full-power use of the CERN device is scheduled for this coming summer.”, the link refers to an article of two years ago.
Is it Almine who predicts the above quote?
Rogier can Almine speak more to this. I’m sure this is a problem most light workers are dealing with. Exscpecially living in society with normal
Families and normal friends, normal jobs. Ect. For most of us where the only ones in our lives that know these high truths and experience the things we do. I have struggled myself being pulled back into the vices of the world. Maybe Almine can speak to why this is still a challenge for us and how to better remain godly in and”ungodly world”. Overall I think I’m living Godly but I still do things like listen to rap music sometimes, and watch Netflix tv shows and I’ll have a drink if I go out with friends occasionall. Is it ok to do these things periodically or not at all? I figure there will Be a time when I have to completely stop all these things but right now I tend to look at it like I’m allowing myself to experience a regular human life. At the same time I take very good care of body and spirituality is my life. Good thing is I feel how everything effects my vibration and consciousness so don’t over indulge and I purge and detox often.
Its interesting that those are the most pronounced :/, seems odd to me, Im assuming sexual perversion isnt like sexual attraction and means something weirder. I have observed dishonesty though, its always effected me greatly whenever Im confronted with it. Is it everything that could be considered ungodly thats the problem? Im a mess on a regular basis which would seem ungodly, but Im constantly battling it to rise up and sort things out, which would seem more godly – part of what I thought were here for, to problem solve for ourselves and sort things out along our journey… The godly vs ungodly is incredibly confusing. No matter how “godly” I try to be, Im still a mess trying to navigate through my days. No amount of self work or studies change that, I just become more empowered in managing the mess I am as I work through what I need to daily, the tools help improve the successful outcomes. I dont know if Im considered godly in these areas, Im not really sure what that means or if Im contributing to the problem being this way. I also wouldnt consider my family typically “godly” but in the same ways, they’re “godly” I would think for the ways theyre rising through things? I dont know, Im not really sure what to take from this or how I could help the outcomes here be more beneficial :/
Hi there everyone I think Mandela Effect is very scary and bad please create a healing sigil that stops and heals and reverse the Mandela Effect so that we can live without the Mandela Effect.
Greed for money, sexual perversion, and dishonesty…yup…that’s us, no doubt.
Personally, most of all I observe dishonesty.
Gosh…..this seems to have dire effects.
The truth comes out now.