I found the previous post about men and women in relationship, very helpful, thank you. But you said that much of what you’ve commented on, was going to change. What did you mean?
The Seer:
Let’s start by looking at the accepted explanations of pheromones versus hormones:
“Hormones act inside the body, changing the functions and behavior of the being, whereas pheromones act on another being of the same species by changing the behavior.”
“Pheromones aren’t the same as hormones, though the names sound similar. Hormones are chemical messengers such as estrogen, cortisol, and testosterone. They work inside our bodies to control things such as growth, mood, and sexual function. Pheromones work outside the body.”
“Pheromones work outside the body. They act like signals to members of the same species. Animals release pheromones to mark their territory, find prey, attract a mate, or recognize other members of the same species. These chemicals affect not just sexual attraction but other behaviors such as: mood, parent-child bonding, social connection, etc.”
In the biblical Book of Revelation, it speaks of trumps (trumpets) heralding the beginning of new cycles on Earth. Yesterday was a 24-hour period of such an angelic event.* The trumpet indicates a change in planetary frequency, undetected by human ears. A change of frequency changes reality and the way we respond to our environment and to others. The frequency change on Earth that took place, pertains to changes in the relationship between masculine and feminine.
The Seer
- January 16, 2024
yes i took of tuesday and wednesday because the transition made me sick – and source told me to return on thursday–
…i was working on releasing the right side of the brain whic was reacting — the femine expression needed to not ve in the mind those days or mental
Almine, I heard the trumpet change during a singing lesson with one of my students. Can’t wait to hear more. Xx Joanne 🌹🎶
Ok….would this be connected to lights I saw in the sky last night???
I have a photo and video…never saw anything like it before …light and frequency…
Deep Gratitude fir thus Almine and Rogier for posting
This is very profound Almine !!
I also wonder if pheromones emitted by Godbeings in the flesh will also mean they recognise each other through this new frequency more intensely through the heart will send messages to each other more through our telepathic empathic communication ..hmm, going way beyond the a.i. matrix
What does this also mean re . Humanity…
I am very used to being rejected by Humanity, I just wonder will OOs face even more rejection as it is a different species , hence we will recognise each other re. Pheromones?
So Pheromones will over ride any human hormone right ?
Activating the black blood cell bringing the God pheromone online
Apologies if I am not wording this correctly
I heard a door closing in my inner beingness when dosing of to sleep. I slept so very peaceful and Thank you so very much for this message.
Whoa!! So that’s what that sound was! – Jan 16th. I was dizzy and experiencing a lot of bodily heaviness. The next day, the 17th, I could hardly even get out of bed.
This is great! Makes is so much easier to integrate the Earth frequencies now. 🙂🥰
Have had a lot of dreaming going on lately, and on the 17th didn’t go to work because of the severe weather… Didn’t want to really, and slept to 1pm….