I had this strange dream that impacted me. A friend and I were traveling together with a giant polar bear escorting us. We were walking towards these massive glaciers when we were forced to go underground through ice tunnels to run from bad people. My friend and I jumped up into this opening that led to more tunnels and the polar bear was behind us ready to defend us. I found a grenade like device and I threw that down past the polar bear. He turned and jumped up into the space we were in, but his hind end was caught in the explosion. The tunnel behind us collapsed keeping us safe. The polar bear’s hind leg and part of his stomach was severely injured and muscle and lots of tissue was exposed and bleeding. He laid down to rest and all I could do was sit by him telling him that he has made it back from worse than this. I was surprised how he could sleep in so much pain.
The Seer:
Humanity is represented in dream symbols as a polar bear. Appearing sentimental and loving, but hiding a vicious nature.
Thank you! But why does the bear in the dream have such awful wounds and what does the hand grenade mean?
The Seer:
The injuries to the bear in the dream, indicate that humans are damaged (psychologically injured) creatures because of previous Earth global disasters.* The hand grenade incident makes it clear that the damage of past disasters on man is self-inflicted and the result of weapons of mass destruction. And war.
- See: The Tablets of Fire
Interesting. Thank you for sharing.