You have often said that self-importance stems from self-pity. But where does the self-pity come from?
The Seer:
Self-pity comes from an unmet sense of entitlement. The sense of entitlement comes from one of the main reasons that civilizations burgeon and then decline: too much leisure time.
The way children are raised in affluent societies, where everyone does not have to contribute to the survival of the family, allows parents enough time to dote on their children. The child becomes the most important member of the family and is shielded from hardship. A sense of entitlement is the result. When the child grows up, he or she encounters the harsh reality that to become a meaningful contributor to society, one has to face hardships head-on without the cushioning effect of a sheltered life.
The inner child still expects to be a privileged member of society without having to carry the burden of responsibility — the unmet expectation that creates self-pity.
A ha!! These great insights are so greatly appreciated dear Almine!!! Such timely advice!!
How marvellous is that!
I see many of that wampire energy been…as octopus been too by so col my time….thay are all around as in our body what.s ever…. .I my be try to see something about the big picture….that thay make every day all over……and that is not good by all happening….
Is parental doting linked to the parents own inner-childs self-pity? Vis-a-Vee parents vicariously indulging and living through their children to assuage their own self-pity?
Is the knowledge that attitudes like gratitude can be “used” in manifestation techniques to get what the ego wants; like giving a toddler a gun? When self-pity becomes aware that it can manipulate it’s attitudes and assuage It’s self-pity in the gratitude of leisurely abundance. What are the long-term effects on society?
Lately, I’ve been asking myself if attitudes like gratitude are a natural, unforced, self-evident result of living a masterful life? Vis-a-Vee, a masterful life equals gratitude. Not gratitude being used as a tool of the ego to “master life”?
Regarding your last paragraph, I’ve been wondering, too. I lost my debit the card the other day so I sat down in meditation and focused on feeling grateful for my abundance and what I have. Then my debit card reappeared in a spot I had already checked several times. It was something I wanted, and chose to do, rather than a natural unfolding of my authentic expression. Maybe someday after a lot of regular practice, living in a state of gratitude will become more authentic and automatic but in the meantime it’s taking the ego training of positive reinforcement to bring it about.