Why am I experiencing discomfort in my left temple in the form of sudden spikes of sharp pain?
The Seer:
To begin our understanding of what is occurring, let me remind you of previous information given about the points of Aubari:*
“As a result of genetic manipulation by the Anunnaki from Nibiru and beings from Antares, humanity inherited two distinct glands around the eyes. Having knowledge of this, the Ancient Egyptians would denote these points in their eye makeup as reminder, for they knew these points permitted for them clairaudience and clairvoyance. But these points are unnatural to man and can distort frequencies, causing a dialogue in the mind.”
When we mapped out the evolutionary stages of man, starting with the stage of uniformity (tribalism) and dependency, these stages ended with the eighth stage of total empathy / telepathy — the stage of mastery.†The Points of Aubari become fully activated during this stage. As an example: person A and person B could both be experiencing sharp pains (or feelings of pressure) in these points, but for different reasons.
Person A may have previously progressed to the fourth stage of supported diversity, after which the discomforted may begin if person A blocks him- or herself from developing further. There could be any one of several reasons for this. But usually it is blocked by regressing back into the lower ego-driven reality of humanity, or lack of honesty and integrity in dealings with others (pretending to be something other than what you are), gossip, intent to cause division or speak ill of another. Person A will cause energy blockages that will prevent the preparatory stage for opening the Aubari points. That will feel uncomfortable.
Person B, on the other hand, may choose to live a life in which self-importance and self-pity has been eradicated. Person B may evolve to the eighth stage of mastery in which these points become functional and the master becomes empathic and telepathic. But the activation of the Aubari points can be intermittently painful.
To be continued...
Steven Sillick says
Nobody says
Anunnaki was before nobody as universe so col been…..but just somebody give those all danger tehnilogy and what thay to do……come to total destroy humanaty on that time and try to play god.s here…..and wad also by some direction or was sendet here……
Regina says
That’s so interesting!! I’ve had an experience this year of that point activating and I DO experience telepathic & empathic connections through this point. At one point it legitimately terrified me as it had been an “overwhelming” experience so to speak, I didn’t know it was just an activation! Thank you Almine 🙂
Anna says
I thought the name was familiar. Is this related to the Goddess Archetype Au-Ba-Ri? Those of us working with Goddess Archetypes, we are in her New Moon sector, the left hip joint.
Intetesting connection to the name.💫