What causes severe nosebleeds or hemorrhaging? Logical answers have not seemed to bring solutions.
The Seer:
Possible, unexamined ‘out-of-the box’ answers could include:
- Regular alien abductions ( abductees are sometimes subjected to probes up the nose that cause unexpected nose bleeds ).
- Combining black magic with holy teachings, is a very intense cause of bleeding in, or from, areas in the skull, such as gushing nosebleeds. It is difficult to imagine that someone who has been exposed to such high truths would engage in black magic — yet it happens. This also produces a stench from the person’s skin and breath.
In some countries, specific black magic contracts and totem animals (like snakes that are permitted to live in their homes) are multigenerational occurrences. This could even be perpetuated by those who proclaim to walk a holy path. In fact, those who live such a double-life, often gravitate to becoming priests, medicine men or spiritual teachers, because it enables them to drain other’s energy.
Follow-up question. Do we have alien abductions still? I thought that ended with the cosmic ascension in ’05? Or was that just by the Zetas?
The Seer:
There are new kids on the block — some from other universes.
Hi Rogier. This post seems to be relevant regarding a recent dream of aliens. South Africa won the Rugby World Cup in Paris against defending champions New Zealand. This victory for South Africa has resulted in such optimism among South Africans. Our President has declared a public holiday, people of all color has come together to celebrate and stand together as a nation. Very significant when racial discriminations are still very evident in South Africa. A beautiful song was dedicated to the Captain of the SA Rugby team, singing praises of how he has crossed racial lines (The captain is a black person married to a white woman). I did not partake in the celebrations but felt positive regarding the nations optimism and joy the evening of the final match. However, the same night I dreamt about aliens that seems to manipulate the emotions of people. Is this of any relevance? Not sure myself.
Oh boy…..!
I had an incident over a year ago where I had 2 gushing nosebleeds in two days. It happened after I disconnected my energy from a situation. It lead me to the same conclusion – I had black magic, possibly blood magic placed on me somehow. I cleared it up, and after that it never happened again.