I was wondering why this fella let me get so close, but then I was told he was injured.
The Seer:
Aaw, he’s just a beautiful little guy. His message: you have a limiting perspective that has been ‘injured’.
Yes, you once alerted me to the misperception that I am always pouring much more in than I am getting back. Can you tell me what perception I am missing that will heal this distorted perception?
The Seer:
The necessary realizations:
- If everyone in the world realized the following there would be no greed. The Law of Compensation holds sway throughout all life. The universe is like an enormous profit and loss ledger. It’s impossible to have more than your share without having an equal loss in some other area of your life. So too it is impossible to give more than you get. Life has to compensate you in some other way.
- Material life predisposes one to notice that which is lacking rather than to notice what is being received. With such lack consciousness, it will always seem as though there is more lost than what is gained.
We increase what we focus on — regardless of whether it is something negative or positive.
The Seer
Love this message. The bounty received overwhelms me. I don’t think it’s important to add up the losses, since they always contain a perception and a positive change, which then goes on the plus side. It seems that all that surrounds us is a gift, the loss with it’s perception and the gains, with their balance.
I love this life!
Thank you for this message. I kept telling myself the ocean does not take from one part of itself without giving to another, and we cannot hurt others without hurting ourselves. I loved someone very deeply and gave so much, this person had crisis after crisis. Out of love I cosigned something huge and out of spite have been handed the bill. I struggle with paying in gratitude, because each month represents betrayal and how i loved someone else more than me. The lesson is learned and yet I pay.
I am thankful to have the money to pay, and have to trust in the “fairness.”
Thank you
Relating to the bird experience, a few months ago there was a bird in our yard and I didnt see it until I was standing right beside it, I was frightened, and then thought it was sick or hurt. I dont know anything about birds so I got it a little shallow bowl of water and left it. Later I went out to check on it and it was opening its mouth like it wanted food so I found it a worm (I thought it was a big sized bird btw), and waited for my husband to get home and ask him what we should do or who we should call, I didnt know how long it had been there for. I went out once more and just walking outside I heard birds just freaking out somewhere, I walked over to the bird on the ground and slowly noticed the loud birds were coming from up on our roof and they were looking at me. One of them started flying back and forth continuing to seemingly yell at me. I then looked over and saw another bird just sitting on the ground and making the connections I realized the birds up top were trying to protect the birds on the ground. I didnt want to stress them so I hurried inside and did some research about birds on the ground. Apparently baby robins, arent as small as you might think, and they sit on the ground until they get big enough to fly…. Oops!
Good points.